
Where is "CLOSE" button on drop-down ads?

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I use My Yahoo daily as my home page and source for news and other information. The mouse-over drop-down ads you place on the page are certainly annoying, but nominally tolerable AS LONG AS THEY CAN BE EASILY CLOSED WITH ONE CLICK of the mouse.

You are currently running a drop-down ad at the top of the page for Discover Cards that seems to have NO close button. It blocks the entire first section of news stories on my page, and the only way I can find to shrink it is to refresh the entire page. UNACCEPTABLE!

Am I missing something here? If this is how the ad is intended to work:

1) I will never EVER get a Discover Card.

2) I will consider changing my home page to Google.

Please advise.

Thank you.

p.s. There are probably other ads with this problem, but the Discover ad is the current culprit.




  1. i've seen that before, and i couldnt figure out a way to get rid of it either you could try and rearange your page so the add doesnt cover up so much

  2. you might have a virus. if not the close button will have the word close on it.

  3. Same problem here - really annoying!

  4. YES!!!! This is extremely annoying. The ad should be taken down untilt he put a close mechanism in it. I'm going to be using Google's homepage until I see that this Discover ad is gone...

  5. Is there a little "x" in the upper right hand corner of their ad? If so, click on it and it should close I would hope.

  6. Also chiming in to say that I can't close this stupid ad either (unless I refresh the page).   It's a disgrace that Yahoo and Discover haven't addressed this problem by now -- this is not the first complaint.  Like others, I am looking much less favorably on both companies now. How many Yahoo users have set up igoogle pages as a result?  How many people are more disgusted with Discover than ever before?  Probably the worst advertising dollars ever spent.

  7. I'm sorry I don't have an answer but will chime in: if this Discover Card ad doesn't go away, I will be dropping Yahoo! altogether. I am a Mac user, do not have a virus and cannot get that thing off my homepage without launching it. I've used Yahoo! for many, many years. C'mon're shooting yourselves in your collective feet. I'm almost outta

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