
Where is the 3 or 4 digit card security code on a bank card?

by  |  earlier

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Because I need it to sign up for an account. The example on my computer of it will not open up. Need help locating the 4 digit code.

What part on the card is it.




  1. Moon 85,

    Unless the number you need is a Pin(personel identification number -4 digits) This should help.

    For VISA, MasterCard and Discover, the CVV number is the last 3 digits on the Signature Panel on the back of the card.

    For American Express, the CID number is the four digits on the front of the card above the 15-digit account number.

    Please see the link. This is a store i use for work(you will not be buying anything, just click on the blueletters "whats this" For a diagram of where on the card the number is

  2. visa & mastercard logo is the last 3 number on the back of the card

    for american express it's the 4 digit numbers on the front right side

  3. Its on the back of the  card.....there will be a stripe with numbers on is the  very last three numbers you see on the right

  4. look on the back of the card and it's the last digits above where you sign your name. =)

  5. it is in the back of the crad next to your signature

  6. on the back of the card where you sign it

  7. It's on the back, where you put your signature.

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