
Where is the American self-righteous behavior coming from?

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Is this coming from the culture of Christianity? Esp. 30-up white Americans, not all but a lot that I met. I may be wrong but I'm just getting this vibe from the way they ask me questions or their eyes that they are always trying to find something wrong or suspicious about me, although I'm really a typical nice girl but my husband is white (but he's not like that, we're both pantheist-buddhist). I don't get this vibe from other ethnicity, esp. Mexicans. I think the Mexicans are among the most non-accusative in my experience and they're so laidback, maybe because of Catholicism? But I've also met a few exceptionally sweet and sincere white adult americans but most I met have accusing eyes and questions. Your thoughts?




  1. American? Sure I will admit some/most Americans are on a high horse, but I think it is more of a culture thing. Not just the religion, it is the upbringing and lifestyles that hold people accountable to the way they react to others.  

  2. I'm sorry you have encountered the prejudice you describe from a particular ethnicity in America.  White Americans are not better than other people, but I think there is a certain swagger that a majority population has, no matter what country is in question.  I ask that you forgive these people.  I think many do not even recognize this failing within themselves.  If they did, I think they would be surprised at the impression they are leaving on others.  Please pray for those who offend.

  3. every religon thinks they are over and better than the rest of the religons

    i would know cause im Muslim and there are many Muslims who act like that, and i just want to knock all their teeth out :)

  4. i protest

    americans are not the worst PROUD people on the planet

    however i agree that i have seen baptists that are so proud that the church is  become an abomination.

    but i wouldnt stop there with any church or religion.  

  5. Simply speaking it's the pride before the fall. To anyone outside America it''s quite obvious that the fall is coming for the USA. America is still predominantly a white supremacist society full of vested interests with no wish to care for the less fortunate in society. Deeply dogmatic in religious matters (to its detriment) America considers itself to be the epitome of civilisation ...a belief that has to be seriously questioned.

  6. Are you kidding me???

    Europeans can be just as self righteous and smug twds americans.  I know several asians whose parents would die if they brought home a white person.  Etc etc

    Maybe you are just looking for that behavior and so you are finding it, whether it really exists or not.

    Usually when people expect to be treated a certain way they find a way to justify this belief.

    lighting up

    get over yourself

    Every country has its issues and if the US was soooo terrible then please, convince more illegal aliens of that fact!

  7. People are afraid to trust people because there is so much fraud going on like stealing credit cards, stealing IDs, and many other things.  So many in drugs.  Drugs are smuggled from Mexico which comes from Colombia and this goes on all the time so when foreigners are around we are afraid they are going to steal for drugs or on drugs or steal our ID, etc.  That's part of the problem.  I'm in California.

  8. It is coming from "Post Modernism"!!

  9. I feel for you. They (the ones that you describe) are bounded by their insularism, dogma and the same brainwashing that they were always accusing their enemies of employing. They understand so little of the world, it's peoples and their cultures and see threats in anything that is at all different from their perceived norm. Reds are not only under the bed, but in every face that is ethnically different from their own. I pity them that they will never have the opportunity of enriching their lives and opening their minds through contact with other races and cultures which have so much to offer.  

    I have also met fantastic Mexican people on my visits to the US.    

  10. Interesting.  Every asian I've ever met is super paranoid and generalizes.  Except a few nice ones.  They're not like that.

    Look, everyone sucks, okay lady?  Everyone but the few we know personally suck on a whole for some reason.  That's how our stupid brains work.

  11. I would have to say your first guess is right. Most of the atheist I know get to know you first before judging. In this forum however we base you off your answers. So that's why most atheist have it out for most Christians. Luckily most of today's youth is separating from the irritating and irrational behavior of our past generations.

  12. Mexicans are like that because they're treated like the dregs of humanity. I agree they are very nice.

    Americans can be quite arrogant and self-centered, but not all of us are. You don't say where you live, but having lived all over the US I can tell you some places are worse than others. Please understand that in reality the majority of us are pretty decent people and the minority makes us all look like this sometimes.

  13. I think with some American's have a "superpower" mentality. It is a bit like the bully on the block for some people.

    White Americans have had more opportunties than many minorities so they may be more judgmental but that is steretyping White Americans.

    I guess egotism is found in every culture and every religion.

    If people are looking at you and treating you funny, take it as a good thing. Those are the people you know to stay away from. Someone who judges you because you are one thing or another (and not the content of your character as MLK said) is not the kind of person you should be worried about at all.

    The kind of people who judge people they do not know, are the kind of people whose judgements I care nothing about. I think they are so narrow minded that their opinion means nothing.

    Besides, people looking at others with "accusing eyes" as you say, may just be showing the content of their own guilty souls.

    You seem very nice. I hope you don't let it get to you.  

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