
Where is the Earthquake appeal for us?

by  |  earlier

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I gave 50p toward the earthquake in Pakistan appeal but I haven't heard a peep out of them in the way of support following ours. Well I for one will not be sending any money if they have another one. Stuff 'em.




  1. Why are people going on about " ouir earthquake". it was a shudder of about 5.2 on the Richter scale. 90 odd percent of the population never even knew it had happened, a couple of chimney stacks fell down and a few cars were damaged, yet the Pakistan earthquake killed thousands and made many more millions homeless and ruined the infrastrucrure to get aid to the victims. If you want your 50 p back, I`ll send you a cheque.

  2. Well would you be happy with the 50p back?

  3. a blimmin empty crisp packet never even fell off my shelf in dat fing dat was supposed 2 be an earthquake. Unless u were really close to the epicentre den maybe ur chimmley was a little bit damaged SO WHAT. let the people in pakistan have der 50p because maybe their eq was a tiny bit worse den ours !!!!!

    p.s der not exactly gonna right 2 every1 hu gave some money u wudn't!!!!!!

  4. some of the money you give doesnt even get there. Like 20p will get there.

  5. we are quite capable of helping ourselves

  6. did your house fall down...ive got 50p you can have...well earn...ok borrow...15% interest...ok 10...what do you need 40p for any way..30p's a lot of money.

  7. Or...where's the appeal for Shannon Matthews? If it's right for Maddeline, it should also apply to Shannon. I'd be happy to contribute to a search fund...anyone else?

  8. All I can say is that you are a fool for giving your money in the first place to another country when you should think about this country.

    No other country will even this government don`t really care .

    So next time another country has a catastrophe just sit back and laugh, that's what I do and think less illegal immigrants to invade this country

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