
Where is the Government ? Are our congressmen and senators out of touch with reality ?

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Where is the Government ? Are our congressmen and senators out of touch with reality ? The idiots that have been elected would rather fight with each other then do something good for America. They sit and do nothing as the price of gas and food sore out of sight. They turn down the idea of expanding drilling. How do these fools think the price of gas is going to go down ? It is not magic and poof cheaper gas. It takes drilling everywhere. An so this weekend while you sit at home because you can afford to drive anywhere, remember this ... you voted for these idiots, and if you didn't vote for them you voted for someone that does not have the guts to be screaming at the top of there lungs about the price is gas is not going to fix its self. Or you did not vote at all and the cost of gas means nothing to you then right? congressmen and senators don't care if gas costs $20.00 a gallon, because they buy it with your money.




  1. Senator Arlan Spector  ( R, PA))  said he was going to  call for  congressional hearings over horse racing. He feels it could be made safer for the horses.

    Therefore, if I were a horse, I would have to disagree with you.

  2. They are totally out of touch.  Look what they did to our social security!

    Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social

    Security (FICA) Program  He  promised:

    1.) That participation in the Program would be

    completely voluntary,

    2.) That the participants would only have to pay

    1% of the first $1,400 of their annual

    incomes into the Program,

    3.) That the money the participants elected to put

    into the Program would be deductible from

    their income for tax purposes each year,

    4.) That the money the participants put into the

    independent "Trust Fund" rather than into the

    General operating fund, and therefore, would

    only be used to fund the Social Security

    Retirement Program, and no other

    Government program, and,

    5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees

    would never be taxed as income.



    Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are now receiving a Social Security check every month -- and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of the money we paid to the Federal government to "put away" -- you may be interested in the following:


    Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the

    independent "Trust Fund" and put it into the

    General fund so that Congress could spend it?

    A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratic

    controlled House and Senate.


    Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax

    deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?

    A: The Democratic Party.


    Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social

    Security annuities?

    A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the

    "tie-breaking" deciding vote as President of the

    Senate, while he was Vice President of the US.


    Q: Which Political Party decided to start giving

    annuity payments to immigrants?


    A: That's right!  Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party.

    Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65,

    began to receive Social Security payments! The

    Democratic Party gave these payments to them,

    even though they never paid a dime into it!


    Then, after doing all this lying and thieving and violating

    of the original contract (FICA), the Democrats

    turn around and tell you that the Republicans

    want to take your Social Security away!

    And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!

  3. i really dont know where the governement is, i agree with you. and its not that they are not in touch with reality, well they kind of are but they are not in touch with their constituents. since they are in dc, and not like in California or in Texas they dont know whats going on first hand. like the gas prices and the food prices. i think that nothing will happen until Bush is out of office, and if McCain gets elected we are in big trouble.

  4. 'Yes they are out of touch,they are erasing the middle class and are so dammed stupid they don't understand when we are helpless they will have to pay the bills. Oh well ,nature will take it's course. I am not sure I want to vote anymore it doesn't seem to make any difference.At this point both parties suck.They have let health care and housing costs go out of site while our wages are around 1985 standards. The public seems to accept that.ADDED INFO .ROADRUNN has some good input.   I gave him a thumbs up.To add to that during the REAGAN years they took the cost of housing and taxes out of the cost of living index. Remember when inflation was 6% and we got a 6% raise? In an instant inflation was only 2.5 to 3 percent, wow! we got 2 or 3 percent raises.House payments and rent ran around 125 dollars a month in 1970, one weeks pay. Now these rates are two weeks pay or more. Wonder how that happened? If you  are shorted 3%  raises for 20 years you end up exactly where we are today.ROADRUNN told you how the democrats screwed us .I told you how the republicans screwed us. Who you going to vote for? We have elected a government of the rich,by the rich,for the rich. If things do not change soon america will be a third world country for most of us. Nature will take it's course.I wish we could make all middle class people aware of what has taken place the last 20 years,Perhaps they would demand a change to get america back on it's feet.THERE IS NO MAGIC,The social security and cost of living deals were planned events that lowered our standard of living,I'm not sure what is next or if anyone really cares.It is time our elected officials look out for the average working american who have made america a great country.Not trying to stir the pot, I want all middle class americans young and old to have a fair shot at a normal happy life.

  5. Many learned people disagree over the best way to deal with inflation.  The Fed has just finished a series of rate decreases designed to stimulate the economy.  They will probably begin raising rates to prevent inflation, which will mean an economic downturn.  There are no other possibilities using the existing fiscal and monetary tools, so some people are bound to be unhappy with the decision.

    As much some may want you to believe otherwise, just because the media portrays political candidates as some species of super-human being, doesn't mean that they can wave their magic wands and reverse the laws of economics.

    The job of the politicians is to build concensus and to pass as many laws that favor their constituencies as they can.  That is what a Republic is all about.  It is postulated that the interplay of various interests will result in a compromise which is fair to the majority of the constituents.  Gas prices are just one of a multitude of issues: The Economy; The War; The Deficit; Taxes; Social Security; and hundreds more.  

    Personally, I do not care a bit about fuel prices, since I live in a city and put only about 1000 miles a year on my car.  Food is high, but my salary has risen to compensate.  I am sorry if you are less fortunate, but I believe my congressman and senators (Obama & Durbin) are doing a good job.

    I personally am more concerned about whether the local post office will become a high-rise and block my view.  That is the big issue in my neighborhood.  I wish you luck with yours.

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