Where is the Government ? Are our congressmen and senators out of touch with reality ? The idiots that have been elected would rather fight with each other then do something good for America. They sit and do nothing as the price of gas and food sore out of sight. They turn down the idea of expanding drilling. How do these fools think the price of gas is going to go down ? It is not magic and poof cheaper gas. It takes drilling everywhere. An so this weekend while you sit at home because you can afford to drive anywhere, remember this ... you voted for these idiots, and if you didn't vote for them you voted for someone that does not have the guts to be screaming at the top of there lungs about the price is gas is not going to fix its self. Or you did not vote at all and the cost of gas means nothing to you then right? congressmen and senators don't care if gas costs $20.00 a gallon, because they buy it with your money.