
Where is the Universe?

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I understand that currently, we see the universe as endless, but if we are in it, where is it? Will we ever know how big it is?




  1. Actually we see an edge to the universe. The edge is a boundary created by time and the speed of light. Anything too far away is just seen as the universes background radiation as it comes from a time when the universe was a cloud of hydrogen and helium before the galaxies formed.

    Using our current understanding of the universe the universe is either infinite or finite (meaning a certain size). If it finite than it has no edge so it is still kind of infinite only if you were to go off in a space ship you would keep passing the same galaxies over and over after a long time. This is because if you reached the "edge" at one side of the universe you would just end up on the opposite edge of the universe.

    And to your actual question "Where is the universe?", the universe is all we perceive and know so anything outside of it is unknown, so your answer is we don't know.

  2. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds everything together...

  3. The Universe is everything around us. In terms of what we can observe, it is everywhere. We don't know of anything outside the Universe which could be used to measure the position of the Universe in some higher level of existence, so it is currently impossible for us to say 'where' it is in that sense.

    We DO, however, know how big it is. It is roughly 156 billion light years wide, in the sense that its width can be measured properly in light years. According to the Hubble Telescope estimates, there are on the order of a hundred billion large galaxies in the Universe, and perhaps some number of trillions of galaxies total. Each galaxy would contain an average of between about 10 billion and 100 billion stars. So the Universe is indeed a very big place, but not inconceivably big.

  4. It is everywhere.

  5. For each of us the universe starts and ends when we are born and die

  6. The Universe under current scientific theory is endless. We are in the milky way galaxy. We have local planets of mars, Saturn, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Pluto, the moon and Uranus. Just think about this: If the Universe does end, then what's on the other side of it? When you look at the night sky, the stars that you see are so far away in the Universe, called light years that the actual light you are seeing from those stars could be a million years old. Based on probability there is life out there somewhere, there has to be! each of those stars you see in the night sky could represent another solar system!

  7. I think...

    The beginning of universe is a point whose coordinates are determined in a four-dimensional space. (w,x,y,z)

    At the point of expansion, it started making motion in the fourth coordinate. (w,0,0,0)

    This motion of universe in the fourth coordinate made us experience what we call "TIME".

    So, if you want to see the shape of universe, cut ourself off from the universe and you will be able to see it clearly.

  8. currently u can't find the earth's coordinates in space

    nor universe's

  9. the universe is in your little head.

    but if we are in the universe, then the universe is obviously around us. and it's infinitely big.
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