
Where is the air transportation industry going to be in 30 years?

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I heard that planes won't be used in 30 years due to all the pollution they make... is this true?




  1. I would say yes and no.

    Will we still fly aircraft in 30 years?

    Most likely.

    But will they be different as far as fuel and pollution goes?

    I would hope so.

    Aircraft are an essential part of our lives, whether we personally fly or not. If aircraft are no longer used, then some other form of fast, ocean-crossing form of transportation will have to take its place.

  2. It was once thought that magnetic levitation would overtake air travel.  It does not seem to be so.

    If air pollution is your concern, these articles...

    ...might be of some help.

  3. Aircraft presently account for about 5% of greenhouse gases. In 50 years, at current growth rate, it may reach 15%. The bulk of the problem is not with air transportation.

  4. Unless someone builds a molecular time transporter system, we will still have airplanes.  

    Thinking otherwise is sheer lunacy.  

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