
Where is the best answerer on the english football section????

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i mean giggs is 007-the real one.are uranob and him still at each others throats.tsk tsk




  1. Well I joined Yahoo Answers mid May when the season was over so I haven't really answered many football questions yet. But once the season starts I'll be answering lots of questions so I think it could be me!!! I am a Top contributor for tennis and have 20% best answers.

    Football is my favourite sport aswell so I think you will be seeing plenty from me when the season starts later this month

    Sorry to sound like I am blowing my own trumpet but you did ask!

    Anyway right now I'm not sure who is the best I can't get to the leaderboard.

  2. Wow, you really are on that guy's d*ck aren't you.  Are you his biggest (and only) fan?

  3. This is directed to American boy! Why should American Football have rights to that name (football) when it is nothing more than Rugby played by men on steroids who wear lycra and padding? Association football was invented in the mid 18th century, whereas American football (known as gridiron) was a spin off from mob football and more recently Rugby and was 'invented' in the early 20th Century (nearly 200 years later) By changing the rules (allowing forward passing) because the proper rules were too hard, you invented a game no one else plays! Do you have a World Cup? Yes but its only played by Americans!!!

    ps-Sorry about the rant, I hate people thinking American 'football' is better than proper footy and trying to rob our name!

  4. im the best not him lol hes probably pizzed by now in fact thats where im going now the pub  

  5. idk. But Why do you use 'football' ... it's soccer. Football is the American Football.

    Greetings from America

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