
Where is the best city to live near Paris or in Paris. A good an smart one with good British schools.?

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I used to live in the XVI arrondisement but now is to expensive. Where I can find a good option in the outskirt of Paris?




  1. Well if the XVIieme is too expensive I suppose you wouldn't be interested in Neuilly-sur-Seine

  2. The southwestern suburbs of Paris are interesting and more affordable than the XVIème. There is a school in Sèvres, where one can get bilingual education from age 3 to 18.

  3. Birmingham / Lancashire -

  4. try London

  5. How about Issy les moulineux?

  6. My friend lives in Gentilly.  I know he sold his house for big bucks, but I don't know how much rentals in the area would be.

  7. Boulogne-Billancourt is just next to the XVIth district, is a bit cheaper and is a good place to live.

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