
Where is the best part of Canada to find a job in the music industry?

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Like London is the best place to get a job in the music industry in the UK, where abouts in Canada would have the best oppurtunities? Any extra information would be really appreciated!




  1. well that is kinda hard for any americans to answer!!!

  2. Tronto I would guess. The film MTV live, and  alot of artists have been discovered there

  3. i would suggest going to america. since  canada has never really gotten far in anything at all...ever.

  4. Toronto or Niagara Falls are the best I would say

  5. Toronto would be the best place, because, most of the good jobs are found there. Everyone flocks there for opportunities not found in other places so easily.

  6. Toronto or Vancouver if you speak french then Montreal woiuld be good as well

  7. uptown toronto

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