
Where is the best part of Spain to move to from the UK / Ireland for work were not highly educated?

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Where is the best part of Spain to move to from the UK / Ireland for work were not highly educated?




  1. Depends whether you want to live in an area where there are loads of Brits / Irish, or whether you want to live and work in a rural community.

    In Torrevieja near Alicante it is difficult to find one Spaniard. You may find work there as everyone speaks English.

    Living in a rural environment you will need to learn the language. Having said that, this is Spain and everyone should make the effort. Afterall, they are guests in someone elses country.

  2. There is no best part if you don't speak very good Spanish. Even then it is difficult for non-Spanish people to get work because they look after thier own.

    I have seen many people in that situation come a cropper.

  3. It's a difficult question to answer. Someone above suggested Torrevieja on the Costa Blanca. It's south of Alicante and there are a lot of Brits there and also a lot or Irish people as well. Probably because there is so much building going on there.

    I really think it would be about your best chance of getting work. But please keep in mind, moving to another country is never easy. Most younger people who move to Spain to work, go back home again quite quickly. It's very difficult to make a living. Think really carefully about it.

    I'm retired in Spain. Meet loads of people who come to live a dream and go home very unhappy. Not only Brits, but Dutch, Germans, etc.

    But if you want to give it a go, Torrevieja would be a good place to start. I also think easier and cheaper then the Costa del Sol

    Good Luck

  4. Try going where the tourists are such as Torremolinos. You will probably be able to get bar work in season but not much else. We live near Granada, and it is impossible to find work here if you don't speak Spanish.

  5. If you are not Spanish speakers then your best hope is going to be looking for work in the tourist sector in the major holiday resorts.

    I would consider Tenerife and the other Canary Islands. Due to their location/weather it is open all year round and doesn't experience the same lulls in the winter as mainland resorts which obviously keeps more job oportunities open all year.

  6. As I have said before it is hard when you come here, you need to be ready to get your finger out, do not come over and sit back thinking you will have a rest for a couple of weeks. When we arrived we had one week where we sorted out our nie padron school health etc etc then after this we got down to work setting up our business, we had most nights taking it in turns to work on the project until 5am then up and out of the door at 9am when the kids were at school we were marketing for weeks and months on end getting website up and running and ordreing etc, then we had to sort out our tax and autonamo etc etc. This went on for a few months at least before we could take a couple of days where we did little work. Not long after again we were advertising marketing etc etc. Once It was up and running we printed out loads of cvs and letters went around the local businesses and applied for jobs (not always advertised like at home) we decided the first to get a job would work the other would look after the business. Hubby started work and I got on with business. We are still working all hours and peoiple ask why we have not got a tan living here but the truth is we work blumming hard to stay here. you do need to be very determined. work is hard there are lots out there that need work so businesses are not too bothered if they get rid of you as they know a replacement is round the corner. Get over have a natter with people and figure out what you think, sus out what life is really like and then decide, come and rent for a short while then if it is ok and you are happy and feel at home then look to buy somewhere, never rush in and buy straight away as this is where people fail they end up putting all cash into a house and have nothing to live on while looking for work, end up with a mortgageand then stress starts and they think why did they bother as they are as stressed as they were back home.

  7. Most Brits go to the Costa del Sol... and you will be right at home because most of those people aren't highly educated either.

  8. Hi as with the other answers its not easy being in Spain. We have been here for 3 years its been a long 3 years trying to get established with buisiness.  Alot of people tend to fall into the trap of taking time off when they 1st come here, but you need to get NIE numbers at the local police station and that can be a long wait in a que of people, you need to sort health care etc etc etc.  Maybe you could start by looking at where you want to be what area, and then start looking on line at the local town hall which will give alot of information on how you can go about things.  Start learning the basic of Spanish hello how are you, how much is that, where is............etc etc.  Spain is a beautiful place to live but please just do some research 1st before coming over here, the wages are not the same as in uk, and you cannot really charge what you can in the uk for whatever it is you want to do, there are alot of jobs advertised in papers such as this is out every Friday but the jobs tend to be based around the costa del sol.....good luck..

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