
Where is the best place for an American to find work in Vietnam, Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City?

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Where is the best place for an American to find work in Vietnam, Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City?




  1. probabaly Ho Chi Minh city.

  2. HCMC is much more lively n u face the hustle bustle of the busy city life....& Hanoi is more remote, quiet & scenic...really depends on what kinda environment u like.

  3. It would be easy to say that Ho Chi Minh City would be the better choice for an American to live and work at. However, it’s really going to come down to personal preference of which city you would like better.

    As an American, you’re going to find it easy to get a job in either city. HCMC is a bigger city with more opportunities, but Hanoi is certainly not a small Podunk village along the Red River. Hanoi is a hustling and bustling city as well.  

    Personally, I LOVE Ho Chi Minh City. It is more westernized and has a lot more to do than Hanoi. My wife had lived in Hanoi for thirteen years and we lived there together for a couple months as well. As much as she loves Hanoi, she has to admit that HCMC fits me much better. Then again, I have American friends who now live in Hanoi after living in HCMC and would never move back to HCMC.

    Why someone would prefer Hanoi to HCMC varies. Personally, I believe if one prefers more culture, a slightly slower pace of life and less rain, then Hanoi would be the better choice. By the way, rain in Vietnam is a much bigger issue than you may believe. Except for the winter months, Saigon rains just about every day. You will be a shut-in during most of the year if you don’t get used to all the rain.

    I would advise visiting both cities to find out which you would prefer. It’s cheap to travel through Vietnam, and a couple weeks in each of the cities could give you enough experience to choose between them without regretting your decision.

  4. WHAT ARTE YOU NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  5. HCM city is definately the answer. There are much more choices of jobs in hcmc than Ha noi. A lot of foreign companies there and you can have a better chance to win a job vs. ha noi

    You can get a job in hcmc, work there and live there. Then sometimes, you can fly out to hanoi for a long weekend break. That would be lovely as ha noi is more scenic.

    Hope it helps

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