
Where is the best place for kids to play outside?

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Private garden, park, street, front garden...




  1. I think that it really depends on where you live and the type of neighborhood you live in.  If there is a nice park, then that would be good for them because they would have things to play on.  I don't think that the street is a good place because you always here about kids being kidnapped or run over.  Just find something that is going to interest them.

  2. A park is usually a pretty good place to start.  If there isn't one near you though, then just your own front/back yard under adult supervision is just as good.

  3. anywhere is good as long as their supervised

  4. The Park or if you have a grass field near your house.

  5. park or backyard

  6. i would say where ever a parent can keep an eye on them

  7. anywhere without traffic but with other kids.

    in our neighborhood, that's back and forth through all the kids' back yards.  the park is good, too, but takes more coordinating unless you're fortunate enough to live right next to it.

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