
Where is the best place on her body for a girl to get a tattoo?

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I want to get another tattoo. I have a black rose below my under ware line on my front (typical place for a girl). I dont want something too big, but i have no idea what i want to get yet. Where on the body is the sexist place for a girl to get a tattoo without looking sluty or too common?




  1. lower back or ancle ftw

  2. I think tattoos on the back look really pretty and feminine and s**y. I'm getting one between my shoulder blades. It's a nice spot because its discrete but there's something really s**y about a girl looking over her shoulder a la Betty Grable and having a bit of ink. I think backs are s**y. Upper back or full back is more unexpected than a lower back tattoo, and it's also easier to hide if you want to, and also easier to show off if you want to without looking S****y (a low-backed tank top, backless shirt, halter top, strapless top or dress would work). It's also good because it shouldn't stretch out too much. But that's just me, you can make anything s**y if you're s**y.

  3. I personally like to see tattoos on the foot, inside of the wrist, or nape of the neck. I have tattoos on my foot and wrist, but think that a tattoos can look good anywhere as long as it is the right piece of ink for that person.

  4. on the top side of your foot, something small on your wrist either under it or on top of it .. back of your neck , on your back but not a tramp stamp something either to the left or right

    those are a few

    hope i helped <3

  5. neck area , I have mine right behind my ear, ! :)

  6. Sorry, but they all look S****y.  Some day you may have children, and if they happen to see you naked or near naked, you will have to explain to them about the tattoos.  Good luck with that discussion!

  7. I love big tatoos on the back.  If its something detailed and femenin they can really show the lines of your back.  don't get one on your b***s thats so trashy.

  8. LOwer back definly

  9. some place other than the lower back that she PICKS HERSELF

  10. i have one of mine on my stomach, close to my hip bone, it hurt like h**l but it looks really cool, plus the guy that did it did an amazing job.  

  11. you can get one on:

    your ankle

    lower back right above your crack

    or on the top of your foot

    i hope i helped :)

  12. I'd just try to make sure it's in a place that won't change shape as you age. Because if you gain or lose weight when you're older chances are the tattoo will become distorted.

  13. Any place can be s**y,its the tattoo that makes it common or not..

  14. on you boob i have one on each of mine and the ankle.  

  15. tamp jk dont get one..

    my mom got one with her boyfriend and i got mad at her for it.

  16. anywhere but NOT ON YOUR b***s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hope i helped :P

  17. may be in your bladder....or in your foot it would look nice!...or in your neck!...

  18. your shoulder, neck, or ankle

    not your b*** painful

    not your S****y

    & deff. not the other side of the butt

    a good place is at your lower back

    but you already have one close to it

    i didn't really help, did i? :D

  19. Shoulder blade or just above the bra strap line.

  20. The shoulder, it looks HOT there with a halter top :)

  21. If you don't want to look common, and want to look girly, the ankle or the toe is a great area. It looks really pretty.

    Or the inside of the thigh or bottom of the back  is a great place.

    But never have them on the arms! That looks manly. :)

    Hope this helps.

  22. Honestly this is a very personal question.  It is really a matter of opinion. There are so many things to think about to answer this question. Do you want it visible all the time?  Do you want it hidden all the time?  Do you want it to be seen some times? What kind of job do  you have and how do they feel about them?  What does the tattoo look like? Again, since this is a personal choice, no one on here can tell you where to put it.  What one person likes the next doesnt like. It is your body and you will have to live with it forever.  So you need to be 150% happy with that tattoo and where you put it.  If your not sure and leaving it up to other people, I wouldn't suggest getting a tattoo yet. Good Luck!

  23. on your hip bone, very Hott!!!!!

  24. I have one on my shoulder, one on my lower back, one on my upper thigh and one on my foot, My favorite is the one on my foot, They are all in places that can be covered up and I think the one on my lower back is probably the sexiest as the only person who gets to see it is my husband.

    Am going to get another on my wrist as well.

    I don't like tats on upper arms or b*****s or on the front neck or face for a girl.

  25. Tattoos always make girls look S****y and common unless you are "common" yourself and therefore don't see it that way. Its for scum and you're either born with that defect or attain it. Tattoos just brand you and tell everyone else straight away what you are without having to wait for you to open your mouth or see your behaviour. I'm sure a lot of you are angry with reading this and therefore it is also directed at you, unless you're just plain dumb or ignorant.

  26. My mom has a lot of tattoos, and so does my dad. In my experiance, the upper shoulder on the back in a nice place. A bit cliche, but it's a good place to get it. You can hide it if you want, show it if you need, and you can get something small and simple. Or on your collar bone is also a good place. Although it hurts a lot more than your shoulder.  

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