
Where is the best place to buy a little farm in Ireland for a lover of streams, nature, beauty and peace?

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I know a very humble, respectful, quiet artist with Irish ancestors who wants nothing more than to contribute to Irish society, take nothing but the pleasure of nature and interaction with the Irish people.

She has a dream of living on a very small farm in the countryside, far enough from the nearest city so that there is complete silence from everything but the sound of the wildlife.

What area of Ireland is the most beautiful and the most serene?




  1. West Cork.  Out around Clonakilty.

  2. sounds like me


  3. Kerry or Galway

    Stay away from cork

    Everyone in cork will say howaya boi.(How-a-ya-boy)

    No matter if you are a boy, girl, man or lady.

    Oh and all cork people just want to sell you carpets or start a fight on you.

  4. Well, Hello now,

                     you could do no better, than ask your friend to really and seriously consider County Galway, and on the banks of Loch Corrib, such beauty there is enough to cure the sore in the sorest of human eyes. and because she wants to be able to contribute to the ways of Irish life and the Irish people there, trust me she will be given a very wide range of opportunities, and then a whole lot more, beyond and to the west of Loch Corrib, lies the land known as my Beloved Connemara,and its mountains and valleys, of Gods beautiful Eden, not so much for the fruit trees of which there are none, but for the sheer gentle ruggedness of it all. With its natural beauty, and its streams, and no mention of modern day life to hasten the the want to relax, and be at peace with ones self, that really will ease the speed, of the fastest of hearts, so my dear friend, if it is real serenity you are seeking, you only need to see these underlisted places for your minds to be made up, Start from Galway, and within 25 miles in any direction,  you will soon be able to notice just how quiet the lanes of the area have become. Another area of particular beauty is the mountainous region known as The Sleive Auchty Mountains. southwest of Gort in County Galway. The sheer power of the hush and peace,of this place is also to be deeply considered, as a new home that will provide all the solace and joy of all the comfort of a peace now lost in the modern paces of modern life.

             Life in my home county of County Galway today is most definitely better in these modern times, than it was when my family were economically forced to leave our Farm and everything that went with it, with our relations, as my parents had three children to raise and when there was no prospect of work for my parents and income was always a problem, as was our outgoings, it was made to make sense to me, that England may well be an option for us to consider, The place became a dream to us, that had to materialise in a 5 year probationary period set by my Father, within those 5 years, we all had work, a fine house and a little money to put us all on should we eventually decide to return to Galway, and our family there. we never did return, well, not on a permanent basis, but every year since I left school, I have ventured Westward, to my real home and my 'other' Family, and always wept, when my holiday was at its end, and this, twice a year, just to be where my heart really was.

    please tell your artist friend that this is honestly and truly the part of Ireland to give a very similar probationary period to, and once she starts being and living there, it will soon seem to her, that she has never been away from this new place she has lived in spiritually for years. and so may people she will be welcomed by too. These people already love her and they didn't even meet her yet.

               Yes Truly, your friend will love the west of County Galway with such a passion, just as the folk that are born raised and lived there all their lives do, my only regret is that we were all forced to live in England, but I am happy to know where my heart is, and my wife, (born of Irish parents, who did the same as my family in the 1950s too ) of 42 years is of the same mind, that we will one day return to our beloved Galway, and not just for our holidays, but for our old age, and our memories to susutain us for the years to come, just a matter of selling our English home and its flower garden, and exchange it, for all that our real country and our love of it means to us.

             It is wonderful to be in a position, that we can return to the places of our Irish ancestry. and your friend as well as your self would be at home in a moment, and be suffering from the peace and love of the place she would soon be very much at home, and not just for a probationary time, but for all time. I sort of envy her, especially if she is ready to change her life today, me? I have to wait a couple of years yet. But I will be going home then, forever, with my wife. Then, all our children, (11 of them, 4 from our natural process, and 11 beautiful adoptees too), will have another place to call home, and one day it may well be home to them too, if the Good Lord would spare us to enjoy our retirement home..

              Ask your friend that she does not choose in haste, but to consider all I have advised. should she then choose to take that advice, she surely, will not be sorry. Oh Lord, I enjoyed writing this.. Good luck and God bless you. .............Tony M

  5. Well, the quietest part of Ireland I visited was an area called The Burren, Very sparcely populated. Very rocky cliffs, as one would expect facing the Atlantic Ocean. Also Westport, was quiet. No forests, all been cut down, small streams, yes.

    You will get the sounds of birds, not many animals left.

    Country Galway, would be my first starting point

  6. County Galway on the west coast of Ireland......beautiful

  7. cork its beautiful yo tony you writing a guide book by any chance?

  8. That's beautiful, my partner and i are thinking about Bulgaria, I've not really researched Ireland that much. Almost the exact same reasons though, i hope it all works out for you X

  9. The Lecale area in County Down, breathtaking and drenched in history, especially with Saint Patrick  :)

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