
Where is the best place to cross the border from Mexico?

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i got a job picking fruit lined and i need to get into the states. The closer to texas the better.




  1. Usually the best place to start in immigration.

  2. Texas

  3. so do u like have no papers!?

  4. Follow the yellow brick road..........

  5. maybe try a raft from Cancun.  just a straight shot north .  really why not play it safe and make mississippi your port of entry. everyone expects illegals to cross through texas.  LOL

  6. The further down south you go the easier it is with less hassle.  They are a lot less fussy down there.

  7. They have border crossings at various places.  Call the Border Control for more information.  Dont try to cross by yourself or you will probably wind up dead.

  8. wherever you can befriend a borger patrol agent...........most are corrupt and will let you by as long as you hand over some money.if you cant do that......then dont bother,too many illegals here already!

  9. Any port of entry is ideal.  I  heard Laredo is good but that

    was a few years ago. Good luck.

  10. Well you certainly want to do it legally. For obvious reason choosing the illegal way would have serious repercussions. So immigration is the only way.

  11. No where.  Stay in Mexico.

  12. It all depends on how much "fruit" you'd like to bring in with you.

  13. Nice... Try it where there are a TON of guards... They usually don't notice you.

  14. Do you mean legally?

  15. I'm thinking maybe one of the tunnels

    if you go on a truck, sometimes people get stuck and die in them

  16. I'm sorry because you're serious but this is the funniest question I've read today!!

  17. Brownsville, McAllen, Laredo, El Paso.  All are in Texas

  18. lmao... many people cross by the desert or w/e... try something new... i dont know.. maybe you can swim to california

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