
Where is the best place to find loose change in your average house?

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I'm one of those kids who live in a 2 story house with 4 kids and two parents, which means I don't get allowance. Which means I need to know of a common place to find loose change around an average house so that I can trade the change in for cash to buy stuff. Thanx in advance!




  1. pants pockets...

    fold clothes...

    theres always change in the dryer or in the pockets!

    sofas... look under them too!

    under beds...

    in ur mom's purse! jj

    in the car.. offer to clean ur parents car out.

    i use to go to car washes & open the vacume machines up!

  2. okay i know this is i didnt think people accually lost coins in between seat cushions on the couch, i was quite suprised when i reached to get the remote that had fallen in between and i found like 2 bucks of coins..

    also like in the kitchen or around in the room your parents come in from the garage or w/e from, they usually set stuff down blah blah blah

  3. jacket pockets, pants pockets, drawers, closet floor, old purses....  in the couch - in the chair...  in the hamper...

  4. couches, rummage thru the dirty clothes to find change in pant pockets. under the beds sometimes.

  5. Couche, the stairs, washing machine, along the sides of the walls, also check your vacum because they sometimes get sucked up, keep them a jar so they stay safe.

  6. couch cushions, washing machine, if you keep bottles you can return them at the store and get the cash for the deposit

  7. Couch cushions!  Laundry.  Behind/under furniture.  Old purses or the pockets of clothes you don't wear anymore (like, winter things).

  8. When I wanted to buy a Sims game for 30 bucks I only had 20, so I dug threw couches, under beds, a piggy bank, counters, dressers, etc. It ended up that I ofund a extra 12 dollars.

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