
Where is the best place to find?

by Guest56161  |  earlier

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a really cheap guitar? Something really crappy, and just beaten up for dirt cheap? I was wondering if I could find one in a second hand store, or some place that sells hand me down kind of things. Any help would be great!




  1. Check on craigslist.  People put up free stuff all the time.

  2. a PAWN SHOP always has it.

    search on google.

    pawn shop close too ______

  3. Try your local guitar shop.. Many times people bang them up and take them in thinking they will fix them.  Sometimes the fix will cost more than a new guitar and they just leave them at the shop or trade them in.. Why do you want a crappy one?  Decor?  LOL potting plants?  Well whatever the reason try your local guitar shop, and if they don't tell them what you're interested in and they might not refuse the crappy guitar in trade if they know someone may want it!  Supply n Demand. Good luck!

  4. Try a pawn shop. Sometimes the Goodwill will have one.

  5. you can try craigslist or maybe ebay. i got lucky at a yard sale though...i bought a 15 year old guitar that was still in ok shape(a couple of dings but sounds good) for 20 bucks.....later on i found that same guitar somewhere else and the guy wanted $200

    i dont know if you will be successful in the pennysaver or newspaper, but it would not hurt to look. OR if you are a college student or you are motivated enough to go to a campus and post a "lookin for cheap guitar" flyer, u might get lucky with some kid who hasn't touched his guitar in 7 years and is hungry so he will hook u up

  6. I'd start with

  7. If you want a crappy guitar, then go to a store that DOESN'T specialize in music like Walmart and get a NEW one of those made in China or Japan.  

    Just because a guitar is banged up doesn't make it less valuable in most cases. The best guitars are old ones from the 50's up to the 80's. The people who collect old guitars look for these imperfection like yellowing paint and scratches around the playing area. Some guitar companies even make new guitars that look like the beat up ones and sell them for more than $3000.

  8. Backstage after a Pete Townshend concert.

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