
Where is the best place to go during a Hurricane?

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Lets say that a category 3-4 hurricane is heading and once it reaches its too late for you to get out. What do you do? Where do you go to protect yourself and family?




  1. In a closet in the center of your house.

  2. lowest and sturdiest part of your home. get under a sturdy workbench.

  3. Go to the most inner part of the house, away from doors and windows..if you have warning get out of mobile home and go to steady structure. If you are watching the news they will give you tips also....

  4. Anywhere away from door and windows and cover yourself with blankets/matresses anything you can find.

  5. run to wallstreet

  6. Indoors, away from windows and doors.

  7. A hurricane shelter should always be considered a last option, a place to go if you can't stay at home or with a relative or friend.

    Determine places to seek shelter during a hurricane and practice going there with your family.

    A basement, storm cellar, or interior room or hallway on the lowest floor of your home is the best place.

    If you live in a low-lying area, a beachfront, or a mobile home, determine a safe place outside of the area to take shelter, as these areas are very prone to hurricane damage.

  8. Lowest level in home; away from windows/doors.

    In most hmes, bathroom should be considered.

  9. id just go outside,all harley riders love being blown

  10. i stay out side , im sory i love huricanes i stood outside when hurricane Charlie hit , trees fell on my car , missed the roof of my place by inches , than we had three other storms that same summer , and i did not evacuate for any of them , best thing is to find a shelter in your area , make sure you have plenty of supplies . all your paperwork in sealed containers .

  11. Go in your cellar and pray.

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