
Where is the best place to go for a cruise during the winter?

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I want to go on a cruise sometime between November-January and I don't wanna be someplace where the weather is bad. I'm looking for a place where the sun will be shining and the temperatures will be at least 80 or above, if possible.

Thanks for your help!




  1. The Caribbean for sure - it is beautiful there during the winter months.

  2. went to costa maya and cozumel Mexico in Feb. and the weather was perfect and in the 80's

  3. November is the BEST time to go because hurricane season has ended....if it your first time going on a cruise try doing 3-4 days cruises so you know if you can handle being on water for a day or two.....start off in the Caribbean if you live the weather is HOT all year round....there are great deals out enjoy

  4. Hawaii is nice in the winter. On the north shore of Oahu the surf is auwsome in the winter.

  5. went to Acapulco, from San Diego, the last 2 years in January and it was 90 plus both years

  6. the caribbean will still be warm and the rates are cheaper at this time except xmas week. we went in nov and we still got a tan and it was 90 is cozumel that day

  7. caribbean, south america, anarctica (remember southern hemisphere has summer)

  8. You can check out this link to look for cruises, the Caribbean is almost always sunshine everyday.

    This link is a little search box,  so you look for cruises. just click the very last link at the bottom of page, also look for other resources available online.

    Nice cruising!



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  9. Try the Caribbean.

  10. Well, the popular one is combination of caribbean and mexican cruise.., but if you want romantic one.., try Hawaiian cruises.., though they're quite expensive but LOVELY!

    check website

    Happy cruising!


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