
Where is the best place to go shopping?

by Praise  |  9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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 Tags: shopping



  1. Guest45214

     If you are having doubts on where to go shopping, below are various places that will be of help. The list is based on experience-gained, variety and value of products, and accessibility.

    * Madrid: is known for selling unique items which are value for the price and one best place to fall in love with is the Capas Sesena.

    * Hong Kong: lots of shops here and if you don't know where you are going, they will follow you around till you find it.

    * Paris: the best outlets here don't sell clothes but lifestyles and its prices are reasonable.

    * London: sells luxury items and one best place is the Liberty Shopping Centre

    * New york: this town has so much diversity in styles and interpretations












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