
Where is the best place to hunt tigers before the blighters become extinct .?

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Where is the best place to hunt tigers before the blighters become extinct .?




  1. In Afghanistan.  make sure you wear an American flag shirt though,  It attract tigers.

  2. i suggest you don't go killing any tigers. please the whole species of tigers is coming to exctinct. i beg you , i know im a stranger but don't go killing them PLEASE!

  3. Howletts Zoo Park or Port Lympne, both in Kent... Take a take-down snipers rifle so nobody suspects a thing...

    Good hunting and save me the brush! Oh wait, that is fox hunting... Well, you know what I mean?!?!

  4. The zoo would definately be easiest, it'd be like shooting fish in a barrel... except they'd be tigers in a cage... also that way they have no way of fighting back, so you're garunteed a win

  5. The Paradise Wildlife Park in Hertfordshire, West Midlands Safari Park in Worcestershire, Woburn Abbey.

  6. Your Mothers House :)

  7. Why don't you shoot yourself.

  8. The White House

  9. How about at your home address.


  10. buy a furreal friends tiger and shoot it or go shoot a painting it is illegal just about everywhere to hunt tigers for sport other than locations where they are primarily man eaters.

    some tiger species have already bitten the dust dont help the others to the same fate i want to be able to see them and the river dolphins when im 50 and by then i want the species to be doing better than it i now and you are sooo not helping the cause . if you want to hunt something hunt a species that is not threatened or endangered hunt one that needs to be thinned out for its own sake .

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