
Where is the best place to live in Panama country?

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Where is the best place to live in Panama country?




  1. Paitilla and El Dorado. I prefer these places because I'm a city girl. Many people however like country areas like El Valle.

  2. You know I could go for ages describing where to live in Panama, but I believe you're looking for a simple explanation, so here's my opinion.

    The best places to live in Panama are:

    Panama City (Costa del Este, Coco del Mar, Altos del Golf, Punta Pacifica, Punta Paitilla, Dos Mares, La Alameda, Albrook, Clayton, Camino de Cruces, San Francisco, Obarrio).

    Beaches (Gorgona, Coronado, Punta Barco, Vistamar, Playa Blanca, and all the new developments in the areas between Gorgona and Juan Hombron).

    Boquete (Valle Escondido, Cielo Paraiso, etc.), and the surrounding areas.

    Cerro Azul (near Panama City with temperate weather).

    Bocas del Toro (island in western Panama, nice ambiance if you like island living).

    Panama City offers everything any major city in the US (both good and bad), so don't expect this tiny town, but more like a thriving metropolis.  If you want peace & quiet then try some the beaches, or Cerro Azul and Boquete.  When I mean some of the beaches it's because some of the beaches (like Coronado) will get crowded on the weekends, and on holidays.

    Bocas del Toro is nice, but island living is not for everyone.  I tried it out, and although it was fun, I couldn't hack it.  I guess I'm a city man.

    If you want advice, or just someone to help you get away from the land mines let us know.

  3. It totally depends on your tastes in life style.  Panama City is similar to Miami Florida when you look at the skyline.  It's only nine miles square but there are 750,000 (aprox) people in these nine sq miles.  How?  Torres (towers), and there are 150 new  under construction as we speak .  Then there is the El Valle/Coronado area where you can be a half an hour from the beaches or the second largest volcanic crater in the world with a beautiful sleeply little community nestled in the now extinct crater (

       Or if you need the comfort of a totally English speaking community (a little America of sorts) you should look at Altos Del Maria

      If you desire to live in an area where the are few Americans in a lifestyle similar to the Panamanian National, then I would suggest you live in the country for about three months and travel as much as you can to see the interior.  Once you’ve narrowed it down come back (or stay) another three months to make sure it's your version of paradise.  

    We have been here for a year and I am still going through a daily acclamation process to the way things run here and the lifestyle that we have chosen.  We are in the 24th floor in PC with a sweeping view of Panama Bay.  There are some really great articles about Panama and the process of acclamation on this website

    both in the articles and the forum.

    If you have any specific questions write me and I will take a shot at answering them.  Best of success on your search and just remember even paradise has warts; just like a new spouse after three months of marriage, the question is can you live with them and be happy!

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