
Where is the best place to move with a booming IT industry???

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I am graduating with a degree in IT and want to move somewhere where I can start a successful IT business (web development, networking, hardware/software services, retail computer parts). Where is the best place to move where the economy is better than Ohio and there are more jobs available. Prefer somewhere not too hot but not too cold, and preferably not New York or California.




  1. India. No seriously, there are extremely well qualified people over there that will work for around 15 dollars a day. Even if your IT business sucks, your overhead costs will be extremely low. I'm not saying that you move to India yourself, just outsource all the work to India. If you don't want to completely outsource your business, just outsource parts of your company to keep overhead costs low. This way, you can work from pretty much anywhere in the US and you will have the next generation of Internet construction workers doing the dirty work.

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