
Where is the best place to order travellers cheques and how long to they take?

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Where is the best place to order travellers cheques and how long to they take?




  1. Get them at a bank--anywhere.

  2. A bank and its that day you'll get them

  3. Most banks can have them for you within 24 hours.

  4. Post Offices in the UK issue them on the spot over the counter.

  5. why travellers cheques? you get tourist rate exchange, which is low, you pay commission to buy them and commision to cash them! Waste of money. Get Nationwide Bank Account and when abroad use your debit card to withdraw the money you require. Advantages - 1) Mid rate exchange 2) No fee.

    In practcie this means that if you are eg Australia and the tourist rate is £1 = $2.35, with Nationwide you will find your £1 = $2.42

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