
Where is the best place to put your rats in the house for playtime?10 points!!!

by Guest63005  |  earlier

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cause i need to know where is the best place in the house for playtime for my to girl rats

new rat anyway




  1. I know that this will gross people out, but here goes.

    My rats (23) at one time, would get to run on my 8 foot long dining room table.  I would clear it off, put play things and let 'em run.  Of course I supervised them - all the dogs and cats had to be accounted for and kenneled or put outside.  They never jumped off (although they could have quite easily).  They'd get a good hour run daily.  Then I would just wash my table with a bleach solution and "wa-la" a nice clean, nobody would know that my dining table was a rat park!  

    I used to raise rats as a hobby. I absolutely love these creatures.  In fact, should I live to be a real old lady that can no longer take care of, for example a dog, then I will have a rat.  (If I end up in a nursing home I will sneak one in.)

    Okay, here is a better answer:  Make sure any other pets that would like to munch on  your rat(s) are secure.  Make a custom exercise cage for them - large area with height.  Throw things in there tthey can play with, climb, hide, etc. If you are concerned about the floor area just get some cheap carpet runner or whatever and the put cage on it.

    Have a blast - your rats will!!!

  2. in an empty room or  a guest room or something like that

  3. Bathrooms are good.  I usually use my bedroom because there isn't anywhere for them to hide, so as long as I shut the door, I can let them run all over the place.  Just make sure there's no holes, and no ways to get under the door. :)

  4. put her in your laudry witha coupla toys so they can run about and stuff without causing too much trobl

  5. I usually use my bathtub. Its big so there is plenty of room for them to run and play. If you have glass doors on your bathtub you could shut them and leave the bathroom with no escape scares. It is also easy to clean up. Just wash the p**p down the drain(lol). Good luck and hope I helped.

  6. Well, my boys get to run around on the couch with me while I'm watching TV. They have a pet carrier with bedding in it, so they don't go potty on the couch.

    My girls, they're too much of chewers to be on the couch, so they get to have some 'free roam' time in the bathroom with the door closed (and absolutely nothing harmful in their reach)

  7. id have to say maybe bathroom make sure the lid is down though

    or maybe in the kitchen sink, or bathtub

    or if you have a big flat area like in a living room try there just be careful they dont escape

  8. The bathroom would have to be my favorite answer because it is a smaller room with just enough space for a small pet like a rat. If you chose, take in some toys and stuff, put a plug in the tub. This way you can put them in the tub and they'll be safe. Put a block at the bottom of the door so that they don't escape. Shut the lid of the toilet in case they find a way to get on the seat, don't want her drowning. Keep an eye on them. Only allow them to play for about 15 to 20 minutes. This will tire them out quite a bit. Do this once or twice a day every day that you can.

    Hope this helped!


    |-Julie K-|

  9. The bathroom is good (you can set up a lot of toys in the bathtub and even put a towel down), or any other room that is smaller, has no cables on the ground that they can bite through, and no holes in the wall they could get into. Maybe if you have a walk-in closet with nothing on the ground, or you could also let them explore your bed. My baby rat loves jumping around on my bed, and she always comes back to me. This would depend on how tame your rats are though, because less tame ones might jump off the bed, although all the rats I've known have never given their owners a hard time catching them.

  10. somewhere you wont lose her. a place where you know their is no where to run or get lost. it might be weird but the bathroom will be ok. or in your room.

  11. Bathroom. Rats are usually not potty trained so it will help for easy clean-ups and there are not that many things for them to get into. Also try putting some water in the tub and letting them splash around. Some rats like it. Good luck and have fun =)

  12. where they get into the least amount of trouble. the bathroom? no carpet,  at least and you'll be able to spot them easily.  

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