
Where is the best place to sit at a football game?

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I bought NFL tickets for my boyfriends birthday they are the 1st row on the 50 yard line.. Are those considered good tickets? I heard a mixure of answers so far because some people I asked said you wont be able to see the game since your at eye level and other people said they are good ticket because your close to the players. Did i mess up and get bad tickets? Do you think he will like them or should I sell them and get him a different present?




  1. The 1st row on the 50 yard line is the best seat in the house for a real football fan.

  2. a pretty OK seat......

    ......what am I saying, THEY'RE AMAZING SEATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. very good seats

  4. you DEFFINATELY didn't mess up, especially if you got them for the team's sideline that he roots for. hes a lucky guy

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