
Where is the best place to take a girl on a first date?

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Where is the best place to take a girl on a first date?




  1. comedy house. trust me, take her to see a comic. it will show her that you have a sense of humor and arnt as boring as other guys.

  2. I suggest you plan a romantic dinner on a hill top, you know like after dinner you guys could go star glazing.

  3. I agree on the comedy house, definately, Works a charm. Girls like a guy with a GSOH, and of course by going it shows you have, even though the guy on stage is the one making you both laugh. Of course, it also gives you loads of stuff to talk about afterwards..... just don't sit too close to the stage, I did once, and the guy was ribbing me for my pink, though I dare say it was technically salmon, shirt all night...

  4. Take her to a nice restaurant where you can really talk and get to know each other...=D or take her to the beach! Prepare a good dinner and go watch the sunset.=D Simple yet romantic, exactly what my boyfriend did when we first went out on a date. We met at and after months of chatting and getting to know each other, we ended up really liking each other.=D

  5. infront of yr parents

  6. Someplace where you can talk and get to know each other.  Maybe dinner in a quiet restaurant.

  7. Heaven & Back!

  8. back seat of your car :)

  9. errrrrr...... up the bum

  10. DON'T GO TO THE MOVIES.... This idea is SO played out, and that's something that you would go and do with a friend, not a girl that you are trying to start a relationship with.

    I recommend DOING something - go play mini-golf or rollerblading along the beach or some fun activity where you can have fun and talk and get to know each other. Grabbing a bite to eat is good, but make it somewhere fun, upbeat and comfortable where you can hear each other and experience something new together - try sushi for the first time (find out if she is allergic first!) or how about an old-fashioned soda shoppe or pizza place.

    Remember, you don't have to impress her with how much money you spend or how fancy it all is - you need to just make a good, fun, lasting, positive impression on her! Be yourself and enjoy your date!! Good Luck!

  11. The woods can be magical. Especially if you go badger baiting. Girls get really turned on by watching a man pummeling a badger to death with a shovel.

  12. To bed!


    Amusement Parks - This really makes for a fun date, especially if you both enjoy thrill-seeking rides such as roller coasters, etc. Also, don't forget to try and win her a teddy bear or other keepsake.

    Dinner at Your Place - One of my favorite things to do is to invite a date over for a candlelight steak dinner and champagne. I do all the cooking and wait on my date hand and foot. I really make my date feel special. So, if you really want to make someone feel special and have a romantic evening, do this for a very special date.

    Dinner Theatre - There's nothing like good entertainment while you're eating. Your date will really be impressed and this is one of my top choices to take a date to.

    Kite Flying - Stop by any toy store and pick up a kite and go on a kite date. Head for your local park, beach, or any wide open space. Kites are not just for kids. It's a fun experience for all ages and it's kind of romantic. So, get your date and go fly a kite.

    Moonlight Strolls - When there's a full moon and clear skies, head for any lake or seashore. It's so romantic to take your shoes off and wade along the shore with the full moon gleaming on the water.

    Romantic Restaurants - If you really want to make a good impression on your date, take her to a cozy and romantic restaurant. It's even better if they have a piano bar or live entertainment or soft music, dim lighting, roaring fireplaces, scenic views while you're eating, etc. So, spice up your love-life or impress a date by going to a romantic restaurant.

    Theatre (Live) - Most larger towns offer live theatre performances that can be just as good as a Broadway play in New York City. Attending live theatre on a date ranks at the top of the list for things to do on a date in my opinion.

    Zoo - A popular and enjoyable way to spend the day on a date.

    Picnics - This is tops on my list for first dates. Just bring a bottle of wine, cheese and crackers, or even better just pick up some fried chicken and potato salad. Don't forget the blanket and radio!

    Cruises - If there are any cruises in your area (riverboat, dinner cruises, yacht cruises, gambling cruises, sunset cruises, or just any kind of cruise) don't pass up this opportunity for one of the best ways to impress single women on a first date

  13. Hmmm....Difficult one.

    Definatly not a cinema - you want to talk not ignore each other, not a resteraunt - some girls are very self concious about eating in front of a new boyfriend / date, not a country walk - she'll think you going to get fruity in the bushes!

    Talk to her mates if possible, see what she's into - e.g. ice skating / dry ski slope etc. etc. something you know she will enjoy and will provide plenty of conversation material should there be any awkward silences. Also, she'll definatly get to hear about you asking and it will show you care about what she likes - definate brownie points!

  14. a resturant

  15. bowling

  16. restaurants in essex, try simply the best

  17. Somewhere very open and sociable.

    NOT THE MOVIES! you cant talk to a girl during the movie.

    Try something that both of you can enjoy. Bowling, Putt Putt, Mall, etc.

  18. Amusement Parks - This really makes for a fun date, especially if you both enjoy thrill-seeking rides such as roller coasters, etc. Also, don't forget to try and win her a teddy bear or other keepsake.

    Dinner at Your Place - One of my favorite things to do is to invite a date over for a candlelight steak dinner and champagne. I do all the cooking and wait on my date hand and foot. I really make my date feel special. So, if you really want to make someone feel special and have a romantic evening, do this for a very special date.

    Dinner Theatre - There's nothing like good entertainment while you're eating. Your date will really be impressed and this is one of my top choices to take a date to.

    Kite Flying - Stop by any toy store and pick up a kite and go on a kite date. Head for your local park, beach, or any wide open space. Kites are not just for kids. It's a fun experience for all ages and it's kind of romantic. So, get your date and go fly a kite.

    Moonlight Strolls - When there's a full moon and clear skies, head for any lake or seashore. It's so romantic to take your shoes off and wade along the shore with the full moon gleaming on the water.

    Romantic Restaurants - If you really want to make a good impression on your date, take her to a cozy and romantic restaurant. It's even better if they have a piano bar or live entertainment or soft music, dim lighting, roaring fireplaces, scenic views while you're eating, etc. So, spice up your love-life or impress a date by going to a romantic restaurant.

    Theatre (Live) - Most larger towns offer live theatre performances that can be just as good as a Broadway play in New York City. Attending live theatre on a date ranks at the top of the list for things to do on a date in my opinion.

    Zoo - A popular and enjoyable way to spend the day on a date.

    Picnics - This is tops on my list for first dates. Just bring a bottle of wine, cheese and crackers, or even better just pick up some fried chicken and potato salad. Don't forget the blanket and radio!

    Cruises - If there are any cruises in your area (riverboat, dinner cruises, yacht cruises, gambling cruises, sunset cruises, or just any kind of cruise) don't pass up this opportunity for one of the best ways to impress single women on a first date

  19. depends on the girl...

    movie, dinner, clubbing...

  20. The cinema

  21. dinner and maybe a walk on the beach or somewhere romatic so you can talk.  You want to get to know her right, or is it just s*x?

    If it's just s*x, a bar.

  22. An expensive Chinese restaurant.

    They'll be ultra polite, treat her like a princess...

    ...and you'll get all the thanks and glory.

  23. It depends on how well she knows you.  If it is not that well, it is best to go somewhere light airy and public, and reasonably quiet so you can have a conversation.  A pub with tables by a river is great in this current weather.  Suggest you discuss current movies and find out each others taste before heading to the theatre, sitting in the dark and hating the movie on show is not a great first date.... been there and done that and never went on a 2nd date!  Think about some topics of conversation before hand, your hobbies,and ask about hers, pets, food likes and dislikes, so you can plan a restaurant date for your 2nd date! Good luck!

  24. Anywhere but movies or for a meal,

    You can't talk in the movies and usually women don't like to eat in front of somone they've just met,

    Depending on age, go to a bar (one that's not to busy or to quiet) or amusement park, bowling or play pool are good cause you can usually break the ice by laughing at how bad you both are,

    Hope it goes well

  25. From Behind!

  26. To the cinema, then for a drink/pizza. If the conversation dries up, you can talk about the film.

  27. an nice casual restaurant and a movie!

  28. Starbucks

  29. the movies.

  30. hawaii girls love the tan.

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