
Where is the best place to watch the Kentucky derby in las vegas?

by Guest45153  |  earlier

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  1. Louisville.

  2. Several casinos have special parties with big screens for this event.  However, if you do not wish to attend such a gathering, the Las Vegas Hilton is the best.

  3. MGM

  4. home

  5. The Bellagio has a great sports/race book  .. . . but if I were you, I'd call some hotels and see who is sponsoring a party  . . .

  6. The Gold Coast seems to really care about horseplayers.  I stayed there a couple years ago and they had a Monday morning program with Greg Gilchrist and Garett Gomez.  Pretty great for a random Monday morning.  Santa Fe Station revamped their race/sportsbook recently and it is first class.  It's way off strip, but it's a really nice place to watch races, and the TVs are really easy to switch tracks on.

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