
Where is the best thing to do to make my money grow?

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Where is the best thing to do to make my money grow?




  1. invest your money in the stock market buy stocks from recession companies that pays a dividend  for example Colgate(people must brush their teeth) potash companies(growing population means more food are needed more food needed means more potash needed).buy stocks from companies paying a dividend.dividend s have very little to do with the stock market and usually stays the same year round if you buy the stock at a low price dividend paid are a higher rate lets say you buy a share from Colgate for $50 and dividends are $3 per share a 6% return but compare to $40 per share(dividend stays the same year round) the rate of return is higher. YOU GET THE DIVIDEND CHECK FROM THE COMPANY EVERY 3 MONTH! once you bought the stock never sell collect the dividend every three month and never worry about stock price agin. do some research if you bought the right stock companies will increase dividends paid per share

  2. Buy the more under priced silver over gold and platinum, learn how to use leverage by the use of options against quality investments for stocks, futures contracts and forex, and buying of penny stocks under $20.00 and shorting of over valued stocks priced over $200.00 using options. Stocks go down several times faster than they rise on average.

    Because of hidden world taxation called inflation with 90% of all paper currency in circulation now made up of the fiat US dollars caused by the illegal oppressive Iraq War against international law although the U.S. war in Afghanistan against the Taliban is a legal war against Muslim fundamentalism terrorism all stocks now under $20.00 USD should be considered penny stocks.

    The mistake was made not to attack Iran to destroy its government for the consulary crimes committed in the kidnapping of the U.S. Embassy personal in holding for ransom for 444 days during former President Carter years.

    This punishment for these terrible consulary crimes by the Iranian Government against the U.S. Government's embassy still has not materialized, but seems to be in the wind with the current de facto U.S. President waiting for a tell to do so unless Israel strikes first at Iran's continued suicidal nuclear program to go ahead with bomb producing capabilities, while Iran supports the counter insurgency in Iraq, as do many in the Royal Saudi family with money in the past.

    Israel not to long ago destroyed Syria's attempted nuclear program with a surprise air attack.

    Once the Russian company gets the use of the new nuclear fuel Thorium for a safe alternative to uranium for electrical generation with patents on the process the world will become a much safer place with no excuse by nations wanting to mix military uses and peaceful uses of nuclear fuels. Thorium is a safer to use more abundant energy source than uranium.

    American soldiers from their respective states working for the de facto U.S. Government are contracted mercenaries if the truth be known for its major foreign corporate shareholder the HOLY SEE (Vatican City State) of the Roman Catholic pope.

    War is unacceptable in any form, as crimes of oppression against humanity for profit by others!

  3. Steady, periodic contributions to your investments.

  4. Investments if you want it to gradually grow, Forex trading if you want high returns and much faster.

    If you're interested I found this site which reviews the top 3 Forex trading systems: http://forex-tracer.the-perfect-solution...

  5. invest in mutual funds depending stocks

  6. Your question lacks enough detail to give you any meaningful answer.

    If you want your money to grow, the best thing to invest in is some hard work at a job.  Quite honestly, until you have a goodly sum of money, that will be by far your best rate of return, and your most secure "investment" option.

  7. you can invest your money to forex, it is faster and easy way to do, for more infomation go here : or you can just start at here :

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