
Where is the best website to place free classified ads and get results?

by  |  earlier

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I already know about craigslist, kijiji, and backpage




  1. When it comes to selling things or advertising your business it makes sense to advertise in as many different places as possible.

    The problem with many free classified websites is that they are confusing and cluttered. On top of that many of them require you to register, which is a huge waste of time.

    I'd recommend Lookcube at

    Lookcube is free classifieds website that's easy to use. It only takes a minute or 2 to create an ad and add images if you want.

    Best of all, your ad will stay posted for 30 days and will be automatically renewed. This saves a lot of time.

    Craigslist ads expire in 7 days, so you have to constantly repost.

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