
Where is the cat pee???

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My cat peed somewhere in my house. It smells just horrendous but I can't find it. I've gotten down on my hands and knees and sniffed everything but can't find it! You would think that with how bad it smells I would be able to find it immediately but I just can't. Help!




  1. try in the laundry  i had this problem once and  found it in my dirty clothes basket.

  2. your cat probally peed in a corner or an area that is not open

  3. use a blacklight  

  4. I've had this happen before too.

    What you need to do is buy a black light. You can get them @ walmart or some type of similar store. Wait until it's dark outside and all of the lights are off in your house, then turn the black light on. The cat pee will glow neon yellow under the light. then smell that spot, and if it smells like cat pee, then you found it! :)

  5. The cat might have peed on the bed or on something that's not soft - like a table or such. I have a cat who likes to pee on hardwood floors!

    Usually what you can do also, if you have carpet, is get a carpet cleaner machine and use the carpet cleaner on the floors first and any soft object that you can, then do it all again with this stuff called Miracle, which you can get from PetsMart & Petco for fairly cheap.

    Good luck!

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