
Where is the center of the universe?

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I heard the center of the universe is in Tulsa, OK. does anyone have directions?




  1. I guess where the big bang happened, but there is really no center of the universe because it's so d**n big.

  2. depends whoose opinion your talking about. if your talking about people back then, then they thought the earth was the center.

    scientists say that there is no center and that the universe is constantly expanding...yea...

  3. Above you, far in the sky of the plant. Fire, burning, In other words the sun!

  4. according to my wife, she is the center of the universe  

  5. YOUR QUESTION HAS NO ANSWER because no one knows the extent of the universe, since the universe is in SPACE and SPACE has no limits and the universe is constantly expanding in limitlless

    SPACE, in directions that are inconcievable to mere mortals. Therefore ther can be no one point EVER that can be identified as its center.  


  6. Actually the world revolves around Mark Spitz

  7. actually, the cent of the universe is right around the corner form your house... simply go to the corner, turn left, and walk two blocks... dont worry, u'll find it... but if really want to go to Tulsa use map quest... it is a God send! : ]

  8. the core

  9. It's right here, sweetie !!   I am the center of the universe

    watch the thumbs down roll now LOL

  10. Well since there really is no center to the universe I guess you could make Tulsa, Ok the center if you wanted to.

  11. If the universe is expanding, there can't really be a center. So there isn't one.

  12. its in huston tx between the two starbucks

  13. Incidentally, on the tip of my nose

  14. actually its in the center you know. when you trace a line around the globe and then there's a dot in the center of the globe. theres the center of the world. not universe. the center of the universe is like i heard 88 million miles out west of the middle of jupiter  

  15. every where

  16. In my backyard actually.

  17. Literally speaking, we have no idea how vast the universe is and therefore may never discover its center.  We are only now discovering that there are billions of galaxies out there like our milky way.  Our galaxy is only a mustard seed compared to what is out there.  

  18. me me me me me me me me

    lol XD

  19. The center of the Universe, is where the big bang occured many many moons ago... I have traveled there in my dreams... It is just a dark cold spot about twelve parsects from ursa mombuna... If you time traveled back 50 million years it would look much different...

  20. no. im the center of the universe. everything revolves around me

  21. The entire universe is a single, unified hyperparticle. As such, every point within the universe satisfies the definition of "center."

  22. Your obviously not married

  23. Actually there is a big plaque in the middle of a road in some small town in Montana and a sign pointing to it that says "center of the Universe"

  24. the north pole

  25. it is in between the edges

  26. There is no center of the universe!  According to the standard theories of cosmology, the universe started with a "Big Bang" about 14 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since.  Yet there is no center to the expansion.  It is the same everywhere.  The Big Bang should not be visualized as an ordinary explosion.  The universe is not expanding out from a center into space.  The whole universe itself is expanding and it is doing so equally at all places, as far as we can tell.

  27. find out in the movie ;)

  28. I believe the centre of universe is Angelina Jole's navel when she spoons with Brad.

    I'm not kidding,

  29. the universe? like in space? who knows...

  30. wherever there is some one in need.

  31. I can mathematically prove I am at the center of the universe.  Draw a imaginary infinite line.  Put a point anywhere on that line.  That point is now the center because I = I.  

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