
Where is the code for build a bear on your bear i dont know where to get that code online?

by  |  earlier

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Where is the code for build a bear on your bear i dont know where to get that code online?




  1. The code is on your Birth Certificate!

    If you don't have one, go to the Workshop (real workshop) and ask them for one and they'll print you a new one

    If you need any help regarding Buildabearville whether it be codes,

    quest help, furry animals or simply some tips and tricks, why dont you

    check out Bearvill guide?

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    for the players of BABV! It has everything you need from announcements,

    celebrity sightings, featured furry friends and prizes to games and

    special codes just fur you!

    Not only that, its a great to meet fellow Bearville players who love

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