
Where is the collective responsibility in Islam?

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A muslim atypical responsible to responsibility is like this "A firefight refusing to put out a fire because they didn't start it".




  1. I think the problem lies in the fact that Muslims are divided against themselves as well.  I was speaking with the Islamic chaplain at my local university not that long ago who decided to anounce himself as a non-denominational muslim and he has caught a lot of negativity from the community for it.  

    I'm sorry for my misspelling, I have only heard these words spoken not seen them spelled and I'm still learning, but there is conflict between sufiis and suunis and shiites, and the various other denominations.  There is a lot of disagreement unfortunately, and I think this is always going to happen.  And honestly having to constantly clean up other peoples messes gets to be tiresome no matter who you are.  I have enough trouble owning up to being responsible for the decisions of my own family members.  

  2. Before the crusades, Muslims ruled by the sword and controlled vast territories throughout Africa and Europe.Here, they took over by force.

    In Europe today, Muslims are trying to take over by overbreeding and demographics, and using terror as well.

    Muslims hate non muslims and are driven by the evil verse of the quran to overpower and claim Europe as an Islamic nation.(not on my shift)

    Recommended viewing

    These films show islam for the evil that it is.

  3. will never happen

  4. What a crock!

    Asking the same of Christians are we? Bush and many other christians started a BIG old fire and collectively all christians should be responsible for this guy and his cronies am i right? Or how about all catholics being collectively responsible for bombing my country for over a decade and still being the biggest threat of terrorism in the UK? Or is it only the 1.6 billion muslims that are responsible for the acts of less than 0.5% of the acts of extremist who happen to be of the same faith?

    For YOU, collectively responsibility means who ever happens to suit your bigotry and prejudice so you can collectively or rather singularly stick that where you like.

  5. Where is the collective responsibility in any religion? Are you suggesting there is great  evidence of such a thing in Christianity for example? Christians are a bunch of people trying to get into heaven. Oh, occasionally you find Christians who help others... but mostly it's about 'me good go heaven you bad go h**l..."

    I would suggest  that collective responsibility is in itself a new religion, and it is called humanism... and that most organized religions reject  it.

  6. youll have to expand on that. we have a lot of branches that could be called collective responsibility.. one being Zakat.. or charity. its obligatory on all of us to pay the zakat before the end of ramadan to the poor.. as well as taking care of the orphans and making sure no one wrongs them before theyre of an age to manage their own affairs

  7. Obey Allah and His Rasoolallah (saww) If Rasoolallah (saww) says to stand in desert or mountain pass alone. We should follow that order without hesitation.;...

  8. I hereby give you my email so you argue your case as long as you like

    Islam is based on simple humbleness: Submission to Allah swt / God,



    YUSUFALI: Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not.

    it apply to you as much to me: you + me trusted with earth! look what that greedy 8 did: [the G8 stand for greedy 8]

    Allah swt / God Almighty allowed to to discharge 4 billion tons of Co2, they gave oil to China to burn fuel away from the world environment watch agency  

    stop pointing fingers and, try to do something about it:

    ride the bus 4 start

  9. By collective responsibility do you mean why doesn't the religion police itself; why does it allow bad elements to continue to call themselves Muslims? I know for a fact the religion is not bad. The bad are those who commit atrocious acts in the name of a religion.

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