
Where is the deadliest spot you could inflict crippling damage on someone by a punch?

by  |  earlier

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hmm.. pressure point maybe? idk




  1. A punch the Soloplex can rip the diaphragm(SP?) causing someone to suffocate, and a open palm strike over the heart can actually compress the heart, pushing the blood out of it, causing a heart attack.

  2. It depends on you really.  If you are quick and strong, you can pick your spots and go for vulnerable places like the throat or a cupped strike to the ears.  

    For my money, the most vulnerable places on a person's body are the throat, joints and eyes.  And sorry for the crudeness, but a good punch in the b***ls will stop most guys pretty quick.

  3. Black Snake Fist to the armpit, jugular, or groin, single knuckle fist to the temple, upward knee to the tailbone (very hard knee) and a single knuckle fist, hard, right between the eyes. Ohh....those aren't all punches.....well....uhh.....those count, but a powerful punch to the Solar Plexus can kill.

  4. Pressure point, shove nose upward, karate chop throat---I am thinking about movies I have watched and now I can't believe I am answering this---don't do anything I have sad.

  5. The deadliest the throat its not that hard to break the hyoid bone in the throat, I'd use a knife hand though. If I only could punch the floating ribs is what I'd aim at, easy to break and you could drive a rib into a lung and cause them to bleed to death, in either case the fight's over. Trust me you're not going to fight anyone with a broken rib.

  6. Hey guys/girls... do you know this person asking this question?

    Do you know his reason for wanting to know this?

    WTF is on your minds???

  7. the throat with only two fingers or the arm pits

  8. Look at 0:38 seconds.

  9. I like to go for the soft spot at the base of the skull. Punch, chop, downward elbow or axe kick. Depending on the level of damage you intend to do.

  10. The pressure points in the center of the upper body. Very lethal.

  11. Well every1 says that u hit the nose upwards... load of rubbish. hit to the nose is good but will not killl them i say a hit to the throat

    or... even though this is straying off ur question a little a kick to the knee would hurt as well i reckon

    or a knife to the heart =D jkz! =p

  12. Deadliest? Upwards through the bottom of the jaw. The brain will bounce off the inside of the skull knocking the person out and if your lucky the neck will break. Then the person is dead.

    But if you just want to hurt someone really bad and incapacitate someone then a quick blow to the nose will cause them to fall like a sack of potatoes.

  13. Take your pick!

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