This might get a little confusing but bear with me... Picture yourself in some factory that makes robots in modern day Earth. You're told by your supervisor to destroy a robot, for no apparent reason. There is no off switch you have to smash it with a hammer. While you're smashing it, it's saying "Please don't! Don't kill me!" and starts making crying noises. Most people wouldn't care, because they'd know the robot was just programmed to make such sounds and beg, but how is that any different from how humans are "programmed" instinctively to do the same thing if someone is going to kill them? Let's just say God made us, we make robots. What we make is not considered "life" no matter how real it can get, that's reserved for God if we do it, it's called "playing God" and the experiments are destroyed out of morality, but what happens when the robots we make find a way to create life of their own? where would that leave us? Where would that leave God?