
Where is the disconnect between Humans and God when it comes to Creation

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This might get a little confusing but bear with me... Picture yourself in some factory that makes robots in modern day Earth. You're told by your supervisor to destroy a robot, for no apparent reason. There is no off switch you have to smash it with a hammer. While you're smashing it, it's saying "Please don't! Don't kill me!" and starts making crying noises. Most people wouldn't care, because they'd know the robot was just programmed to make such sounds and beg, but how is that any different from how humans are "programmed" instinctively to do the same thing if someone is going to kill them? Let's just say God made us, we make robots. What we make is not considered "life" no matter how real it can get, that's reserved for God if we do it, it's called "playing God" and the experiments are destroyed out of morality, but what happens when the robots we make find a way to create life of their own? where would that leave us? Where would that leave God?




  1. First, lets dismiss the infinite regress part of the question (infinite regress is unique to the way humans think). Next, what if human thought is an inherent aspect of God, meaning there is no disconnect between God and humans when it comes to creation. Then, if the God/human mix makes a robot that thinks for itself the God/human mix becomes the God/human/robot mix. On that level, robots are subject to the same necessary and desirable wants--in thought, word and deed--as humans; the same needs and desires that are consistent with the principles that sustain survival (food and shelter), and the freedoms that go with independence and liberty, and, also, a quality of life that gives life meaning. So, in a nutshell, we, and the self-aware robots that we created, are striving for the same goal--to make life meaningful and pleasant--a possibility that would not exist without the divine duality that makes it all possible, the duality of God/freedom!

  2. I think you are having trouble with the issue of human life vs. artificial life and where is the line drawn.  You can't challenge God's status as supreme being, ultimate life giver, creator of the universe, no matter what we create, because he created us.  Therefore it all stems from him.

  3. I give you credit for trying. It occurred that you could use some solid Philosophy ;

  4. I will use Osho's words to answer or rather not answer this question and let you figure it out on your own. In a book i just recently picked up by Osho called Tao The Pathless Path He says "The fall of man is not that he disobeyed God. The fall of man is that he thinks he IS. The fall of man is because he thinks HE IS separate from God, How can the part be separate from the whole?

  5. if i saw a machine that created another machine that could pass a turing test and we didnt construct the machine with the intention to invent new machines, i think i would consider the machine smart and very very interesting. if i could see a bigger plan behind these inventions of the man made machines i might call them alife. wich makes us according to your definitions gods.

  6. Excellent and well thought out question.  However, your question lacks a deeper understand and critical factors that must be included within the context of God.  One, God is the ultimate context.  It is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent; both immanent and transcendent; The Knower and the Known, the source of all that is.  Thus nothing can create God which is uncreated, hence the Infinite, Eternal qualities of it qualities.

    Humans are not like robots in that they we have the capacity for life and the ability to influence out own fate and destiny.  This is because we have choice and free will.  Animals and robot do not have this option.  Plus humans have the innate capacity to realize the source of their own existence.

    Mankind's reliance on the human mind and it inherently defective dualistic operations presume that creation and existence are a solely physical phenomena and fail to see that the universe is the context and the content is an constant fulfillment of infinite potentiality when conditions allow as the unmanifest become manifest.  This is the termed the Grace of God or the Light of Creation; the Unfoldment of the Universe.  

    Creation and evolution are one in the same in that evolution is the sequential observation perceived in the realm of physical form as the formless potential actualize into form.  This unfoldment occurs at the speed of light.

  7. Because only God is able to create natural intelligence. That is the template for artificial intelligence.  

    Obviously, our ability to build an intelligent machine is far from perfect. Mechanically, you may make artificial, cybernetic intelligence, but man can not  make one machine love another machine niether make one machine be compassionate toward another machine.  We are limited by nature. That why God mke Him God.  We shouldn't become proud savants, thinking we can do everything because we can do one little thing imperfectly. Knowledge should make us humble, not proud.

    No matter how hard the scientists work, they are a long way from creating a person. You make the little connections on your computer board and tie in one circuit to another and program in some information, but when you compare that mechanical circuit to the little neurons in the brain, which do you find is the superior creation? Both circuits are doing basically the same thing, but which is the superior creation?

    Robots have no feelings. A robot may performs many mechanical acts but without feeling.

    A robot cannot relate person-to-person; it must relate matter-to-matter.  The actual active principle in a human being is consciousness, the soul within the body, then they relate to themselves and others. And these component will be, ever, impossible to implant in robots. Even if you program one robot to love another, and the first robot embraces the second, it wont be any feelings.  So actually it is the active spark of life, the soul within the body, that we are attracted to.  And without the soul in the body, the body is useless. That soul, the active principle in the body, is the real person.

    God , Krishna,  explains all of these ideas in Bhagavad-gitä, which is a great science. He says, adhyätma-vidyä vidyänäm: "Of all sciences, I am the science of the soul."

    No human will be able to create a soul and transfer it to a robot, never. Only Krishna can do that, that is why God never will change His position as the Supreme infinite and we, all other living beings are infinitesimal parts of God inferior to krishna, eternally. A living being can never "become God" any more than a drop of water can become the entire ocean.

    Ancient Indian thinkers compared the body to a machine. In Sanskrit a machine is called a yantra.But they understood that a completely nonmaterial entity within the body—the jivätmä, the soul—animates the body, endowing it with sentient behavior. The link between the jivätmä and the body is understood to be the Paramätmä, a portion of the Supreme, krishna, that stays with each living being. Thus in Bhagavad-gitä (18.61) Krishna says, “The Supreme Lord(Me) is situated in everyone’s heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities that are seated in the body as on a machine [yantra], made of the material energy.”

    According to Bhagavad-gitä, the body of a living being consists of two components: the gross body, made of earth, water, fire, air, and ether, and the subtle body, made of mind, intelligence, and false ego. The three components of the subtle body are material elements finer than the gross matter we perceive with our ordinary senses. The jivätmä(the soul) interacts directly with the subtle body through the agency of the Paramätmä. The subtle body in turn interacts with the gross body through ether, the finest of the gross elements.

    This science can never be compare to the creation of robots for human beings.

    I hope this gives some understanding that the position of God, krishna and us. Why did He settle it  that way? That I can not say. You may ask Krishna when you come back to Him.

  8. I think I understand the question... but not too sure.

    The difference between the robot and man is that man has the immortal soul...... or an immortal aspect, so no matter how the body is killed, the essence of the person is still there. (In religious terms this is called Child of God... immortal... which we all are)

    And the disconnect is called "mistake of the intellect." That is how we are disconnected from God. Not so sure if I understood this part of your question.

    And more on this "disconnect" is on my biography.

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