
Where is the evidence of these so-called blocked blessings my friend keeps claiming?

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my friend keeps saying if you do things that are not nice your blessings will be blocked, but yet she cannot show me the evidence of where she supposedly learned this. especially since she herself isn't perfect. and wouldn't that also mean that no one would be blessed?




  1. That would be that free car you didn't get, and the million dollars that made it halfway to your house before it was taken back, and 24 virgins were recalled, all because you screwed up.  I guess wild claims are all the christians have

  2. No one is blessed. There are no blocked, unblocked, supercharged or otherwise blessings. There is no one there to bless us. We are too small and insignificant of a planet among a million of other planets and galaxies. Even if the immature idea of anthropomorphic god was somehow real which its not, who'd in the world pay attention to us? Why in the world are we so special? There you have it - no blocked blessing.

  3. The bible says that you reap what you sow.  Therefore, it only makes sense that what you do to someone else will come back on you eventually.  Usually multiplied a little.  

  4. The rain falls on the just and the unjust...

    The gifts of god are without repentance...

    Your friend is listening to christian cult preaching.

  5. i think your friend is on some serious drugs..i have never heard of that..

  6. We know right from wrong. Those who do wrong knowing that it is wrong-it's sin. No one is perfect, but we are to strive to be perfect as Jesus is. God blesses the righteous, the people who are in right standing with him, who rely, trust, and adhere to His Word.

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