
Where is the health care?

by Guest56008  |  earlier

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We just went into another trillion dollars of debt.

I would like to know where is the health care that we so-called can't afford? How can you not afford something that you already paid for?

Somw of you dummies say that health care isn't free, you got that right!

Some of you dummies say that those trillions are paying for war. War to keep us sate. BULL, how does it cost 10 trillion dollars to fight a country that doesn't have an Army, Navy or an Air Force?

How much would it cost to fight Iran?


If we Americans are called upon to fight Iran and Russia and Iraq and Afghanistan,... thing we might be able to get some health care around here?




  1. What bugs me is Israel has it and we give them about $10,000 per person in foreign aide.

  2. We are already paying for that. It's called the country hospital where I live.

  3. Health care would cost over $1.2 trillion a dollars a year. Thanks to Democrats, America already spends too much money on social services. (Free housing, welfare, food stamps, etc.)

    Also, most people in America have healthcare and don't want government healthcare. Canada's  government healthcare is not as good as America's healthcare.

  4. An interesting side note: WE CAN afford to pay for universal healthcare for Iraqi citizens....well, we can't afford it, but we--the US taxpayers--have been paying for Iraqi healthcare since we overthrew Saddam. It's good enough for them....

  5. You make some good points!

    but i do think that to get public healthcare it would cost even more trillions

    and that would all be comming out of taxpayers pockets

  6. Well it does no good to try to convince a socialist like yourself, but I will say that it is the case that providing health care for the American public is not now, nor will it be in the near future, a commitment of the federal government.  Fighting wars to protect our interests or to take freedom to down-trodden people IS a commitment we have made.  

  7. I have health care, what's the problem, I pay for my own through employer, I definitely don't want to pay for yours too, because you don't want to

  8. Nowhere in the US Constitution does it say that our government is to provide or even make affordable health insurance. I don't agree with every situation that our government places our military in but managing the military is the job of our politicians as set forth by the constitution. People need to take a little responsibility for their own well being and stop expecting the government to do it for them. The quickest way to forfeit our freedom is to place all of our needs into the hands of government.

  9. why do taxpayers have to pay for health care instead of businesses .???

  10. Government is the problem not the solution. I dont want the government running my health. No thanks. I like having the choice of medicine and doctors. I dont like being told who to see. I like my records private between me and my doctor. Stop looking to the government to fix our problems. It is because of them we get into the problems we have today.

  11. It's out there some where? But in some different forms such as $ 1,000,000,000,000 ( That's 1 Trillion dollars with 12 zeros) per one  Air craft carrier, nuclear submarines and some other killing machines that we have absolutely no use for, If we just get rid of the Federal Reserve Bank, and start backing up the $$$ with gold as it was in good ole days of superiority.


  12. Look how Canada is doing with their Socialized health care...really poorly. The UK has even scrapped some of their program and is working on a 50/50 type plan.  We will always need a military. regardless if you think we need to fight or not...there will always be someone who wants the US put down. It was evident on 9/11/2001. Spending money on health care is a good thing, but keeping our intrests safe is also important.

  13. Walk into any hospital and you will not be refused service.  

    Where in the constitution does it guarantee access to free or low cost health care???????????????

    Folks form all over the world come here for health care to get away from their socialized medicine.

    I have insurance, and am quite happy with it.

  14. Health care is available to those who need it. But, it is not free. You either pay for it when you use it, before you need it in insurance premiums, or all the time in taxes. Most states have low cost insurance programs available for children, and their parents will take it SO LONG AS IT IS FREE! If there is even a token small charge, they refuse it. Paying for your children's health care is as much the parents' responsibility as feeding and clothing them, but I understand some parents won't do that either. Defense is a Constitutional responsibility of government, health care is not.

  15. My health care is right where it should be. In mine and my doctors control. Thank you.

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