
Where is the hotel Al Codega in this picture?

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Can someone point me to the Hotel Al Codega from this Microsoft Live Image?




  1. It's going to be a little difficult to describe from this photo, but it is clearly visible. This photo can be used as a reference - the window pattern is the easiest way to recognize the exact building:

    When I click on your link I see a maximum resolution (scale in lower right shows 25 m) photo of a square with a large building to the right. That building has windows on the top outlined with white triangle shapes and a gray square outlining the central courtyard. The hotel is not in the photo at this resolution: it's to the east of the large building.

    Slide the resolution slider to the minus (-) position (scale in lower right shows 50 m). You should see a small campo (open area) on the right hand side of the photo half way between the top and bottom of the picture. The building facing you in the campo is the hotel. There is a gable on the top level of the building with a single window. Below that there is a row of 4 small windows - the 4th is separated a little from the 1st 3. The windows on the 3 lower levels have the same layout, but the windows are taller.

    Another way to find it:

    At the 25 m resolution, move the photo to put the large building at the left side, and the small campo with the yellowish building and the large green awning at the lower right corner. Your hotel is just to the right of the center of the photo.

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