
Where is the lowest priced ocean front property because of global warming?

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With so many people coming to realize global warming is a proven scientific fact and that beach front property will flood because of melting glaciers where can I get a low price on beach front property? What percent price reduction could I expect?




  1. the ocean isn't going to flood anything because of ice melting. Just a little thing you can try. Put several ice cubs in a glass and fill it to overflowing with water. Set on a level surface and let the ice melt. The glass won't overflow (flood). In fact the level of water in the glass will go down,  

        So maybe you should buy that little island off shore 1/2 mile. You know the one that is now too small for a garden shed.

  2. Antartica.  

    and "proven scientific fact" is not a true statement.  It depends who you ask.  If you believe the media, but remember they are reporting to get ratings.  As soon as OJ does something again, we'll stop hearing about the earths doom and gloom.  Scientists actually don't agree, and it makes it hard for us to know who to listen to.

  3. Fact? Does no one know the scientific method? Circumstantial evidence does not create fact. Do you even know what fact is? How about theories and hypotheses? Do you know what they are? No credible scientist could ever call AGW fact, whether they believe in it or not.

  4. You should be looking for properties that will BECOME ocean front properties rather than ones soon to be inundated.

    However, you may be well advised to wait until a significant part of Antarctic's coastal precipitation is in the form of rain. Only after that change takes place will sea levels do any amount of rising.

    I would suggest that if you are alert to that event, you will have as much as 10 years to make your buying move before the idea takes off.

  5. Try Indonesia:

    "Indonesia, with more than 17, 000 islands, could lose about 2,000 islands within 100 years if global warming is not halted, an environmentalist warned."

    Bring your snorkel:

    "According to both the 2001 and 2007 IPCC reports, neither Greenland nor Antarctica should lose significant mass by 2100. They both already are. Here again, the conservative nature of the IPCC process puts it at odds with observed empirical realities that are the basis of all science."

    "It's no surprise then that three scientific studies released in the past year -- too late for inclusion by the IPCC -- argue that based on historical data and recent observations, sea level rise this century will be much higher than the IPCC reports, up to 5 feet or more. Even scarier, the rate of sea level rise in 2100 might be greater than 6 inches a decade!"

  6. Believe it or not, with all the baby boomers retiring, I've read that any kind of beachfront property is only going to rise in value. Only a small percentage is up for grabs, thus enhancing its value even more. It's assumed the water isn't going to rise all at once.

  7. Seriously, you need to inform yourself.

    You can't rely on the media for your scientific information. This is a politically convoluted issue, and there are two sides to the story. There is not enough evidence to prove or disprove that global warming is human-caused.

    There is not even enough evidence to suggest that the sea-level will dramatically rise. They are all based on computer models, which in turn are based on many many assumptions (many could be correct, but by the same token incorrect).

  8. global warming is not a fact, look it up.  people will continue to buy because its a hoax, plus the land is beautiful

  9. It's gettting colder Bub, but if you want to still believe the hype that's up to you.

  10. With a rate of about 8 inches over the last 100 years, people are not really counting on their beach front property to get flooded anytime soon.  I would expect only an increase in the cost of beachfront property.  Don't even bother looking at Oahu, they start at a couple mil.

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