
Where is the media outcry .....?

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do you think the media would stand bye and let the mc cain camp trash an innocent child of barrack obama or joe biden the way the poor palin children are being trashed




  1. I haven't heard anyone trash her

    All I hear is you right wingers NOW condoning teen aged unmariied pregnacies

  2. No wouldn't hear anything about it from them, they would cover it up like they do everything else about Obama.

    But of course, Obama's kid would have had an abortion, because he doesn't believe they should be "punished" with a child if they get pregnant!

  3. No, I don't think it would have been allowed.

  4. if one of them were pregnant they would. And I haven't seen the media saying anything that her mother hasn't told them. She is news, wheather you like it or not. Maybe the mother should have thought about this before you put her daughter out to dry!

  5. The media is not just standing by, they are helping to trash this woman and her family.

  6. How are they being trashed?  

  7. Absolutely not, but since the Palin's are "evil conservatives" the media must defame what is really none of our business, I applaud Senator Obama for coming out against the smears.

  8. this argument is starting to get old........who cares about palin anymore

    and the only reason palin is being "trashed" is because she has been made to look like an extreme hypocrite.........

    under investigation

    pregnant daughter which goes against what she teaches

    great  vp choice.....

  9. I do believe that Obama specifically said that "children are off limits".

  10. Well, the media has stood by while opponents have questioned Obama's patriotism, religion, nationality and nearly everything else about him. They've made fun of his wife and forced him to leave his church.

    The Palin children are not being trashed by the media. The media is certainly curious about a mother who leaves her five kids, one of whom is pregnant and one of whom has a serious disability, to head out on the campaign trail, but from what I've seen, they've been very respectful.

  11. Is it the media fault that Bristol Palin chose to disobey her parents and have unprotected, pre-marital s*x?

    Is it the media fault that Sarah Palin chose to announce that her daughter if 5 months pregnant?

    I never would have known.  But Sarah made the decision to let the entire world know.

  12. Palin's UNMARRIED daughter is pregnant and Palin still believes that there shouldn't be s*x education in schools.  WHAT AN IDIOT SHE IS!  She is proof positive of what's wrong with the GOP.

  13. Please post your links where the media is trashing "innocent" children.

    I have not seen any of this in the mainstream media.

  14. I agree! I am absolutely outraged at the media and their treatment of Palin and her children, I think some people need to be fired! It is not appropriate to trash a 17 yr old girl for some political points you may or may not get, it's disgusting!  And these people think Obama can bring us together,,,, boy did they ever make it impossible for him to achieve that.

  15. Anthony D:  as if you never went against your parent's teachings.  Guess your folk are terrible people.

    John S:  bingo!

    hank z:  I know of girls who got pregnant after going through s*x-ed in school.  So that method doesn't work, either.  s*x-ed (or not) should be taught at home by the parents.  

  16. The media is crying out- to Obama with something like "you can't tell me what to do, you're not the boss of me'.

  17. Let's see how does that go.....let he who is perfect cast the first stone.

  18. I was thinking the same thing. You are absolutely right.

  19. i think it is funny because a lot of the dems complaints boarder on Pro abortion rather than Pro choice....funny what level they take it to....just glad I do not call myself a democrat any more.

  20. There will be no media outcry unless it, somehow, starts to turn against Obama in which case the media will pick it up and shut it down-right now.

  21. I don't think they would.  I mean sure there is evidence that the Republicans have dropped the ball, but so have the Democrats.  But at the end of the day I believe that regardless of political affiliation, we are all humans.  Its something terrible that whether it is Obama's kids or Palin's kids that we would ever stand back and watch people be treated the way that Palin is being treated right now.  We have cruel people in this world, and we also have those that are compassionate.  I think most people are the latter, they want to see others do well, but you have a few jerks in this world that want to make someone's life torture.  It is our duty as humans to stand up and help our brothers and sisters, and not kick them when they are down.  

  22. Where was your outrage for media attacks against candidates families when FOX bashed Mrs. Obama or other negative remarks?


  23. I was thinking this is really good news for the repub candidates. Palin is strongly anti-abortion. Palins teen daughter got pregnant. Instead of having an abortion she is going to keep the baby and marry the baby's father. Should put a damper on the liberal media.

  24. @don c: We don't condone teenage pregnancy, but it happens and we do allow for mistakes, realizing that no one is perfect...It's whether those mistakes are dealt with responsibly and learned from that matters

    Tearing someone down for their mistakes, doesn't help in any way

    @Darrin B: "Is it the media fault that Bristol Palin chose to disobey her parents and have unprotected, pre-marital s*x?"

    It could quite possibly be a factor, considering how s*x is portrayed as 'no big deal' in the media, and I'm sure that peer pressure played a role, too...But, the ulitimate responsibility lays with the pregnant teenager...Bristol was old enough to know right from wrong, she made her own choices, and now she is taking responsibility for it.

    "Is it the media fault that Sarah Palin chose to announce that her daughter if 5 months pregnant?"

    Yes, and she said so...She announced her daughter's pregnancy to stop the vicious rumors about her oldest daughter being the mother of her youngest son...She was protecting her children...She had absolutely no intention of making it public, because it's a private, family matter and no one's business.

  25. No, but what do you expect from the liberal media.

  26. no one is trashing her but i applaud the repugs here who are helping her play the victim card. that's what they do.

  27. No, they wouldn't. I've wondered this myself. Apparently, the one who is doing the right thing is Obama. Who'd figure? Usually, he struggles to find the right words when he is speaking without a teleprompter but he was clear, quick and concise when he said that "families are off limits, ESPECIALLY (He emphasized that.) children." Too bad his supporters don't have the class that he does.

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