
Where is the most dense population of American Ex-pats?

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Where is the most dense population of American Ex-pats?




  1. I would venture to say Prague, Czech Republic - given the environment president Hovel (himself a playwright) created in the post-soviet era: flourishing arts scene (which is usually synonymous with ex-pats).

    Plus you are talking density per sq. mi./klm. so the bigger cities/countries are out. Add to that it's a very economically

    inexpensive place to live well.

    Plus, it has been cited as the new bastion for ex-pats

    for years now - cat's been out of that bag for years to the point of being cliche.

    Runner's up Costa Rica and Belize for some of the same reasons: economic, political stability, and hey, they're warm.

  2. Canada and Great Britain, but there's a lot here in Australia, too. Yanqui, go home!

  3. If I had to guess, I'd say Vancouver, that's from personal experience. Toronto is getting there, and my family may join them if this country keeps tanking. (It's only a 30 mile move)

  4. In addition to Canada, Mexico is getting more popular.

    If you really want to get away, didn't Halliburton just announce they're going to Dubai? It's supposed to be just like home, only better. Lots of Americans in Israel...

    Sri Lanka was popular with intellectuals once and I hear Americans are buying up cheap Thai real estate.

    Italy and Spain have been attractive too, along with the English-speaking UK and Australia.

    I think you'll find most on this continent, but we're all over the place, aren't we.

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