
Where is the name Farnsworth Q. Pennybottom, Esquire from?

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i dont know why. i saw it and i know it from somewhere, a movie possibly.. i dont know. but if anyone could help me out, its really bugging me. thanks.




  1. Is it from the cartoon Futurama?

  2. I am trying to think what movie it is from, but I know that it is not from Batman because the Penguins Real Name is Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot not Farnsworth... as one other answerer thought.

  3. Most Likely a Lamb on a farm in Farnsworth Who doesnt know where its next meal is coming from!

    Esquire is because it plans to eat the next lamb married to it!

  4. I think it may have an invention or character of W. C. Fields.

    "Carl LaFong. Capital L, small a, capital F, small o, small n, small g. And if I did know Carl LaFong, I wouldn't tell ya!"

  5. I believe it was Bender's alias from futurama, but not 100%

  6. I think that is the real name of the Penguin from Batman.

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