
Where is the natural environment of humans?

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Where are humans SUPPOSED to live? ... If we didn't have heated homes and had to live outside in the wilderness. For example, most carnivorous plants can only survive in tropical regions, so what about humans?

If you can narrow down to the specific country/continent, that would be great.




  1. The human race are very adaptable to their environment and can survive in very hot and cold regions ,We can live in forests and jungles to frozen continents ,but the way modern man is living in large cities is not natural ,we are hunters and gatherers and farmers .We should be living as tribesmen in small groups living of the land around us

  2. Great question.

    From what I've read and seen, it seems we evolved in the tropical grasslands of Africa.  I would assume that is our "natural environment."

    And hey, when you look at the advice doctors give on living a healthy life, it seems to match with what life as a social, hunter-gatherer species living in a tropical grassland might be:

    The best exercise is walking; eat more fruits, veggies, nuts; eat less red meat and refined/processed foods; make sure you drink plenty of water; get regular fresh air and sunshine, sleep for at least eight hours in darkness; maintain ties with your family/friends/community.  Surprisingly simple!

  3. We came out of africa as far as we can tell.  We may have been more hairy at the time.

  4. Parkheid

  5. North Pole

  6. The Bible says Earth was made for man, can't remember the exact scripture, IM me and I'll get back to you.

    When Abraham left Ur, he travelled many parts of the distant lands before he got to his destination, can't remember where.

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights article regarding Freedom of movement...Nomad's R'Us

  7. Kenya. Still has the best climate of any country (if you are in the mountains).

  8. Logically it woud be the areas of the Earth with warm temperate climates and fertile soils.  Looking at the population today you will see that there is a band around the Earth where most people live.  Unlike those in the animal world we can adapt to our environment  on a greater scale.  There is no continent where humans are absent.

    We have changed. Now one might be able to say , that we create our environment and that humans no longer have a "natural" environment.

  9. Our body is the result of a long evolution that started out in marshy areas of eastern Africa which is now Ethiopia. Our direct ancestors spent a large portion of their time probably hunting in waist to neck-high watery swamps.  This required them to walk erect (to keep the head out of water), loose most of their body hair (to reduce drag when walking or swimming in shallow water), and to develop the ability to hold breath under water for up to a minute (to retrieve catches that sank to the bottom). A more heavily fish-based diet also enabled their brains to grow in size (which is not possible with other diets). These traits suggest that humans are best adapted to live close to shallow water areas, and feed on a mixed diet containing both fish and fruit.

  10. Truth is, most evolved species in the Universe live underground, where the environment is more easily controlled. The surface of planets is a hostile place for any species to flourish. Humans incarnate, at the moment, to a life on the surface as part of a learning process/experiment. Our poor physical makeup to deal with the harsh conditions is part of that exercise.

  11. In the Tropics and forests.

  12. If we were to live NATURALLY without any man made things to control our environments racial mixing might be a very bad idea....

  13. According to the fossil, DNA, and other evidence, we evolved in the giant Rift Valley, in East Africa, seperating from the line which led to the chimpanzees between 4 - 5 million years ago.

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