
Where is the next 'Black hope' in Boxing going to come from?

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It seems over the last few Years 'White' boxers' have continued and in fact increased their dominance over the Boxing stage. Quote - As the curtain closes on 2007, we should remind ourselves how quickly white dominance in the sport of boxing is growing. Whites hold 16 of the 20 belts from middleweight to heavyweight and are starting to collect titles at the lighter weights as well.

East European boxers were ignored due to the Cold War but now they are dominating Boxing like Cuba used too. American boxing is now nowhere and i can't see it changing at all if not forever.




  1. YES IT IS SO BUT European boxers LOVED ALI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...... I THE ONLY Black hope


    klitschko FAN CLUB

  2. I like how boxing is a way to show that we're all racists. From the announcers on Saturday saying how all Mexican fighters fight a certain way on down to the "Great White Hope" BS. It's quite hilarious really.

  3. Don't know where the so-called "black hope" will be coming from, but I could care less about the color of the person's skin. As long as the top contenders and champions are keeping the sport exciting, then I'm happy with the way things are now.

  4. Black kids don't fantasize about being boxers anymore. The best & most talented athletes either want to play football, basketball & .......well that's it. Pretty soon boxing is going to be like far as black americans participating.

    Well I do think MMA will eventually catch on.

  5. You forgot to add that boxing is at a low point in history as far as talent and competitiveness,  and none of those 16 are considered all-time greats yet.  Not to take anything away from those guys because I like Pavlik and Ibragimov as fighters but boxing ain't really what it use to be and I would not start comparing those guys to Sugar Ray Robinson or Muhammed Ali.  I will add that 4 of the 5 UFC belts are held by non-whites.

  6. Is that you Hitler? White power!  Ya muppet, it has now't to do with the colour of your skin.  There is many factors why they may or may not be more 'white' champions/boxer, like economics and opportunities.

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