
Where is the oldest tree in u.s.?

by Guest55736  |  earlier

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Where is the oldest tree in u.s.?




  1. Redwood forests in California.

  2. i dont know the oldest......... but i know the biggest tree in the U.S. its in  hawaii

  3. The Balmville Tree, the oldest eastern cottonwood in the Eastern United States, in Balmville, New York.

  4. i think we chopped it down

  5. Cali

  6. California. ~ 5000 years old.

  7. genaral sherman

  8. Joshua tree .Joshua national park CA.

  9. it's called methuselah and it is in california

  10. Pappanchani

  11. A Redwood in the National forest I believe   It Dates Back Quite A Ways

  12. in my backyard

  13. in white mountains

  14. In my backyardd.!


  15. 4,768 years. Methuselah in the White mountains of Nevada.

    You can see it on the Methuselah trail in the park. You just won't know when you do. The trail goes through a grove of ancient Bristlecone pines that includes Methuselah, but they won't tell you which of the trees it is, because they don't want a bunch of mouth-breathing insults to the gene pool breaking off souvenirs.

  16. The oldest known living tree in the United States is nicknamed "Methuselah." It's location is kept secret by the U. S. Forest service in an effort to thwart not only vandals but researchers. Previously, the oldest tree was cut down by a researcher.

    Other than "Methuselah," the oldest trees in the U.S. are the Sequoias located in California.

  17. I would say that would be the redwoods in California.

  18. in order to find out you have to cut down the tree down and count the rings so noone will ever know

  19. Prometheus Wheeler Park(Nevada/California) 4900 yrs. old(cut down in '64)

    But i think the oldest living one is

    Methuselah in Nevada (4800 yrs. old)

  20. The oldest trees are likely the bristlecone pines (Pinus aristata) that live on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, along the border of Nevada and California. These pines are puny compared to the redwoods and are even small in comparison to different species of conifers nearby. Nevertheless, some of these specimens are over 4,000 years old -- as old as the pyramids of ancient Egypt.

    Apparently, the world's oldest trees are found in locations that either receive abundant rainfall or hardly any at all. In contrast to the redwoods, the bristlecones thrive high above sea level (10,000 ft or about 3,077 m) and in dry, rocky environments (< 10 inches or about 250 mm of rain annually). While these conditions prevent youthful bursts of growth, they're just right for slow growth, which can also result in extended life. With comparatively little tissue to nourish compared to their large cousins, in some years, the bristlecones add perhaps only an inch to their girth per century.

  21. Depends on the type of tree, the redwoods of northern california are probably the oldest, but Ive seen the largest ponderosa pine, then the douglas fir....

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