
Where is the perfect place for me to live?

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so make fun of me for asking this if you want but heres the thing..I live in indiana right now and to be honest hoosiers are complete a**holes, stuck up, selfish, and rude! my fiance is in the army.. so im home for long periods of time by myself.. I feel very unsafe and im very unhappy where I live and hardly go out because of it! Im looking for a state to move and settle in..anywhere! my family all lives in new york and i really prefer not to live there.. Im 20 yrs. old, i go to school full time for radiology, my family disowns me so im making it on my own! and since im on a tight budget its hard to me to go travel around looking for a place! Im looking for a quit place, nice, friendly people, low crime rate, but yet has everything you need mall, grocery, resturants, college to finish up my school etc! and a clean, safe place to raise my future children and live the rest of my life.. any suggestions?




  1. I moved to Sarasota, FL when I was 18.

    Perfect weather

    Pristine Beaches

    Great School System

    1 hour to Tampa

    2 hours to Orlando

    3 hours to Miami

    Big town with a small town feel

    Did I mention the weather???

    Close to McDill (HUGE Army base)

    International Airport

    Great shopping

    Home prices are AWESOME right now!!!

    Used to be alot more old people, the young ones are catching up!!!

    It is so awesome here, your family might re-own you!!!

    I almost forgot. Medicine is BIG business here, so finding a job would be easy.

    We have at least 4 Universities/Colleges that I can think of!

  2. Well I live in Gainesville FL. And i LOVE it. There is the University of Florida and Santa Fe Community College that has a radiology program. Also, you will have all of the things you were looking for mall, grocery stores ect. One bonus is that it is a historic town, there is an old theatre that everyone knows called the hippodrome (it is so cool you should look it up, My family lives in a little tiny town located about 25 miles from gainesville called High Springs. There they have around 20-25 springs to swim in or scuba dive in caves and rivers to kayak or canoe (if you are an outdoors person) if not you can just stay in gainesville. I suggest that you look it up. Gainesville is a really cool city with loads of people and all different things to do.

    Good Luck!!!

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