
Where is the proof?

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People constantly tell me that there is no proof that we have accelorated global warming. Can someone please supply me with credible evidence that we havn't?

Also wish to add. Even if we are not the cause shouldnt we still be conserving our resources anyway for our future generations?

afterall we are also informed that population is constantly increasing which will create its own problems.




  1. Just because there is no proof that we HAVEN'T accelerated global warming doesn't mean we HAVE accelerated it. Just because there is no proof that ghosts don't exist doesn't mean they do. Just because there is no proof that Bigfoot doesn't exist, doesn't mean he does.

    Though there is no true proof that we don't accelerate it, there is some evidence. Earth is coming out of an Ice Age, so it will be warming. The sun has been more active as of late, so that would warm up the Earth.

    Humans adapt. We will always find ways to survive. If oil hadn't existed in the first place, someone would have found a way to make energy. When oil runs out, or is almost out, future generations will find ways to survive. It may be hard for a while, but mankind will always survive.

    The population changes as well. This may sound callous, but if the population increases too much, we will destroy each other competing for resources, therefore lowering the population, but leaving mankind alive.

    *Down with Big Brother*

  2. How do you prove a negative?

  3. Conserving resources, yes I'm for that, clean water & air, too.

    BUT the myth that mankind is having ANY effect on the temperature of the PLANET? That is rediculous. GOD is smarter than that! Oh, I forgot, "Scientists" don't believe in GOD. How arrogant is THAT!?!??

  4. I feel I have seen enough on the television to convince me. Also dont think that all the emmisions are doing the planet any good.

    completely agree with you about our future generations.

    If the cfc's in my fridge are capable of destroying the planet, what on earth are they doing to my food :( ?

  5. No. Most evidence (melting glaciers, melting polar ice, etc) indicates there is global warming.

  6. The idea that humans control > 50% of climate variation is intellectually bankrupt.  Dana is right that SOMETHING causes variations in climate.  He is just mistaken about the human influence.

  7. Look to the pudding.

    Not the cookie.

    The pudding.

  8. "Can someone please supply me with credible evidence that we havn't?"

    You cannot prove a negative.

  9. There is no proof that CO2 causes global warming.

    If you look behind the industrial age where the earth was also warmer than usual there was CO2 too. But it doesnt mean CO2 causes the warming: the warming causes CO2 which makes much more sense comparing to data.

    Heat can cause greater forest fires, there are more storms that cause fires, this means that there is more CO2 produced when its hot. But that was just one example how nature causes great amounts of CO2. Humans produce a very diminished amount of CO2 comparing to nature.

    But there is evidence that there are glasures melting currently, but if you look at the suns radiation for the past 400,000 years there has been a pattern. We are at a peak of a large amount of sun radiation releases: looking back at the 400,000 years there have been 4 other peaks just like where we are now. The raidation amount has been growing since the time of civilization (4000 years).

    So all this means is, since the first records of civilization, the Earth has been warming for the past 4000 years, where now we are at the peak of the heat, coming down again. But of coarse there have been small brakes as it has been growing to the peak.

    Man did not run out of rocks in the stone age, we Man did not run out of ´bronze in the bronze age. Yes we are finding less oil, but there is still oil out there. But the oil age will end soon, as an other age begins. Technology will take care of us.

  10. People who claim they don't have to prove humans aren't responsible are incorrect.

    The planet has warmed 0.5°C over the past 30 years.  Something has to have caused it.  Climate scientists have provided very strong evidence that it's due to human greenhouse gas emissions.

    If you think they're wrong, you have to explain what's wrong with their science and what else could have caused the warming.  Nobody has been able to provide a plausible alternative explanation so far.

  11. ya know, i bet the people that lived here "believe".

    now that the permafrost has melted out from under their house.

    it's not just one.

    there are lots of them.

    the ground had been stable for centuries.

    now it's not.

    because it's warmer.

  12. If Al Gore said it, that's good enough for me.

    He did invent the Internet.
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