
Where is the record of the former judge Garzon pardon?

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Written questions aloud on the floor of both Congress and the Justice Committee until a convincing answer about where clemency is Baltasar GarzÃ_n. This is the decision of the PSOE and Plural Left, announced by the Socialist parliamentary spokeswoman, Soraya RodrÃ_guez, and the general coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara. " Someone has removed " the socialist leader has ventured. " Care is not going to lose clemency Jaume Matas " he ironized Lara.

The information provided by COUNTRY respect to clemency for Baltasar Garzon has not anyone has caused astonishment in these parliamentary groups. The government says it sent to the Supreme Court who replied that he had never received that file. Rodriguez does not believe in error or natural causes. " If the dossier is gone because someone has removed so the justice minister has to explain it and say where the petition is " the socialist leader announced on a business trip in the Canary Islands. A record of this nature and a person with common knowledge is " strange " to disappear and can not but " surprise ", the Socialist spokesman continued.

This has caused loss and damage a target input Garzon since a year has passed since the European Magistrates Association for Democracy and Freedom (Medel) send him. Thus, a lost year in the study and evaluation of clemency. " This government will lose certain roles very easily," said Cayo Lara, spokesman Plural Left, after announcing that his parliamentary group will track record with questions to the Government. The irony has left her for another convict who has also called for a pardon, Jaume Matas, who was minister José MarÃ_a Aznar PP and President of Baleares. "Hopefully you will not miss the Jaume Matas." In UI questions are asked the Executive to shattering the course of clemency for former magistrate Baltasar GarzÃ_n.

 Tags: former, Garzon, judge, pardon, record


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